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Re: Remap Ctrl-Esc?

>> BTW, you can also use Alt-Tab to toggle back to the OS/2 desktop when
>> running XyWin full screen. That (for me) is easier on the wrist than
>> Ctrl-Esc.
>And now I'm wondering what I did to my keyboard -- last
>year? three, five, seven years ago? -- because not only
>doesn't Alt-Tab behave this way for me on my OS/2 setup at
>home, it doesn't do it in the Windows environment at the
>office, either.

  Well, Alt-Tab doesn't do it for me either -- not sure why, it certainly
works to switch sessions on the desktop, but either alt-esc or alt-home get
me from a full-screen XY session back to the desktop. And it's not just XY,
'cause just opening a full-screen dos box and trying alt-tab to come back
doesn't work either. Seems like there is a settings somewhere to reserve
functionality for certain system keys like that, but it's been so long since
I had to do anything like that I can't remember where.

Harmon Seaver

hoka hey!
Copyright, Harmon F. Seaver, 1995. License to distribute this post is
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