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Re: printer drivers

I have no problem printing from Xy4 using HP Deskjet (6100 series, I
think) with a parallel port to LPT1.

I attach a list of printers (in Xy4 and as RTF file) with notes culled
from Xy users on list that I put together last spring. If anyone has
new information to add, let me know using format below & I'll update
the list.

Printer Name
1.	XyWrite version
2.	Operating System
3.	XyWrite Printer driver
4.	Network printer or local
5.	PORT used (LPT, USB, serial)
6.	PORT mappings
7.	Other wrinkles

Lisa Kleinholz
{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\uc1 \deff0\deflang1033\deflangfe1033{\fonttbl{\f0\froman\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 02020603050405020304}Times New Roman;}{\f1\fswiss\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 020b0604020202020204}Arial;} {\f2\fmodern\fcharset0\fprq1{\*\panose 02070309020205020404}Courier New;}{\f15\fnil\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 00000400000000000000}Author;}{\f16\fscript\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 03060702050402020204}Calligraph421 BT;} {\f17\fdecor\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 04030605060b02020503}Parisian BT;}{\f18\fswiss\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 020e0502030308020204}Maiandra GD;}{\f19\fnil\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 00000000000000000000}Lucida Blackletter;} {\f20\fnil\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 00000400000000000000}CAC Leslie;}{\f21\froman\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 02020404030301010803}Garamond;}{\f23\froman\fcharset238\fprq2 Times New Roman CE;}{\f24\froman\fcharset204\fprq2 Times New Roman Cyr;} {\f26\froman\fcharset161\fprq2 Times New Roman Greek;}{\f27\froman\fcharset162\fprq2 Times New Roman Tur;}{\f28\froman\fcharset186\fprq2 Times New Roman Baltic;}{\f29\fswiss\fcharset238\fprq2 Arial CE;}{\f30\fswiss\fcharset204\fprq2 Arial Cyr;} {\f32\fswiss\fcharset161\fprq2 Arial Greek;}{\f33\fswiss\fcharset162\fprq2 Arial Tur;}{\f34\fswiss\fcharset186\fprq2 Arial Baltic;}{\f35\fmodern\fcharset238\fprq1 Courier New CE;}{\f36\fmodern\fcharset204\fprq1 Courier New Cyr;} {\f38\fmodern\fcharset161\fprq1 Courier New Greek;}{\f39\fmodern\fcharset162\fprq1 Courier New Tur;}{\f40\fmodern\fcharset186\fprq1 Courier New Baltic;}{\f123\fscript\fcharset162\fprq2 Calligraph421 BT Tur;} {\f129\fdecor\fcharset162\fprq2 Parisian BT Tur;}{\f149\froman\fcharset238\fprq2 Garamond CE;}{\f150\froman\fcharset204\fprq2 Garamond Cyr;}{\f152\froman\fcharset161\fprq2 Garamond Greek;}{\f153\froman\fcharset162\fprq2 Garamond Tur;} {\f154\froman\fcharset186\fprq2 Garamond Baltic;}}{\colortbl;\red0\green0\blue0;\red0\green0\blue255;\red0\green255\blue255;\red0\green255\blue0;\red255\green0\blue255;\red255\green0\blue0;\red255\green255\blue0;\red255\green255\blue255; \red0\green0\blue128;\red0\green128\blue128;\red0\green128\blue0;\red128\green0\blue128;\red128\green0\blue0;\red128\green128\blue0;\red128\green128\blue128;\red192\green192\blue192;}{\stylesheet{\fi720\sl480\slmult1\widctlpar\adjustright \cgrid \snext0 Normal;}{\s1\fi720\sl480\slmult1\keepn\widctlpar\adjustright \f15\fs28\cf1\cgrid \sbasedon0 \snext0 heading 1,Fountain Pen 2;}{\s2\qc\sb240\sa60\keepn\widctlpar\adjustright \fs32\cgrid \sbasedon0 \snext0 heading 2;}{\*\cs10 \additive Default Paragraph Font;}{\s15\fi720\sl480\slmult1\widctlpar\adjustright \cgrid \sbasedon0 \snext15 Social Studies;}{\s16\qc\sl480\slmult1\widctlpar\adjustright \fs32\cgrid \sbasedon15 \snext16 Soc.stud. Heading;}{\s17\qc\fi720\sl480\slmult1 \widctlpar\adjustright \f16\fs26\cgrid \sbasedon0 \snext17 Style1;}{\s18\fi720\sl480\slmult1\widctlpar\adjustright \f17\fs40\cgrid \sbasedon0 \snext18 English Heading;}{\s19\fi720\sl480\slmult1\widctlpar\adjustright \f17\fs26\cgrid \sbasedon0 \snext19 English;}{\s20\fi720\sl480\slmult1\keepn\widctlpar\outlinelevel0\adjustright \f15\fs28\cf1\cgrid \sbasedon1 \snext20 Fountain Pen;}{\s21\fi720\sl480\slmult1\widctlpar\adjustright \f18\fs26\cgrid \sbasedon0 \snext21 Math;}{\s22\fi720\sl480\slmult1 \widctlpar\adjustright \f19\fs26\cgrid \sbasedon0 \snext22 Of Mice and Men;}{\s23\fi-720\li1440\widctlpar\adjustright \f20\fs44\cgrid \sbasedon26 \snext23 Of Mice Header;}{\s24\widctlpar\tx720\tx6120\adjustright \cgrid \sbasedon0 \snext24 Lisa;}{ \s25\fi-720\li720\sl480\slmult1\widctlpar\adjustright \f20\fs36\cgrid \sbasedon0 \snext25 \sautoupd Leslie Bibliography;}{\s26\fi-720\li720\sl480\slmult1\widctlpar\adjustright \f20\fs36\cgrid \sbasedon0 \snext26 \sautoupd Les Bib;}{\s27\qc\sl480\slmult1 \widctlpar\adjustright \fs34\cgrid \sbasedon0 \snext27 Title thing;}{\s28\fi-720\li720\sl480\slmult1\widctlpar\adjustright \cgrid \sbasedon0 \snext28 Bibliography;}{\s29\widctlpar\adjustright \f1\cgrid \sbasedon0 \snext29 Arial Single Block;}{ \s30\widctlpar\tx720\tx6120\adjustright \cgrid \sbasedon0 \snext30 Lisa Novel Chapters;}{\s31\sl480\slmult1\widctlpar\adjustright \cgrid \sbasedon0 \snext31 normal 2;}{\s32\widctlpar\adjustright \cgrid \sbasedon0 \snext32 Other Normal;}{ \s33\qc\fi720\sb576\sa576\sl360\slmult0\nowidctlpar\tx720\tx1440\tx2160\tx2880\tx3600\tx4320\tx5040\tx5760\tx6480\tx7200\tx7920\tx8640\adjustright \b\i\fs96\cf1 \sbasedon0 \snext33 LSB-Title;}{\s34\qc\fi720\sl480\slmult1\widctlpar \tqc\tx4320\tqr\tx8640\adjustright \f21\fs18\cgrid \sbasedon35 \snext34 PS Odd Header;}{\s35\fi720\sl480\slmult1\widctlpar\tqc\tx4320\tqr\tx8640\adjustright \cgrid \sbasedon0 \snext35 header;}{\s36\qj\fi144\widctlpar\tx144\tx432\adjustright \f21\fs16\cgrid \sbasedon0 \snext36 PSB-Note;}{\s37\qj\widctlpar\tx144\tx432\adjustright \b\f21\cgrid \sbasedon0 \snext37 PSB-Time;}{\s38\fi720\sl480\slmult1\widctlpar\adjustright \f2\fs20\cgrid \sbasedon0 \snext38 Plain Text;}{\*\cs39 \additive \b \sbasedon10 Strong;}{\*\cs40 \additive \i \sbasedon10 Emphasis;}}{\info{\title \'abLM0DI\'bb\'abRM65DI\'bb\'abIP0,6\'bb\'abTS2DI,4DI,64DI\'bb\'abLS2\'bb XyWrite Printer List}{\author Lisa Kleinholz}{\operator Lisa Kleinholz} {\creatim\yr2004\mo12\dy6\hr21\min9}{\revtim\yr2004\mo12\dy6\hr21\min9}{\version2}{\edmins1}{\nofpages7}{\nofwords1789}{\nofchars10202}{\*\company Lisa Kleinholz}{\nofcharsws12528}{\vern113}}\margl1319\margr1319 \deftab0\widowctrl\ftnbj\aenddoc\formshade\viewkind4\viewscale100\pgbrdrhead\pgbrdrfoot \fet0\sectd \linex0\endnhere\sectdefaultcl {\*\pnseclvl1\pnucrm\pnstart1\pnindent720\pnhang{\pntxta .}}{\*\pnseclvl2\pnucltr\pnstart1\pnindent720\pnhang{\pntxta .}} {\*\pnseclvl3\pndec\pnstart1\pnindent720\pnhang{\pntxta .}}{\*\pnseclvl4\pnlcltr\pnstart1\pnindent720\pnhang{\pntxta )}}{\*\pnseclvl5\pndec\pnstart1\pnindent720\pnhang{\pntxtb (}{\pntxta )}}{\*\pnseclvl6\pnlcltr\pnstart1\pnindent720\pnhang{\pntxtb (} {\pntxta )}}{\*\pnseclvl7\pnlcrm\pnstart1\pnindent720\pnhang{\pntxtb (}{\pntxta )}}{\*\pnseclvl8\pnlcltr\pnstart1\pnindent720\pnhang{\pntxtb (}{\pntxta )}}{\*\pnseclvl9\pnlcrm\pnstart1\pnindent720\pnhang{\pntxtb (}{\pntxta )}}\pard\plain \s24\fi-288\li288\widctlpar\tx288\tx9504\adjustright \cgrid {\b XYWRITE PRINTER LIST \par }{The following printers work with XyWrite. Under each printer are listed specific operating system & other conditions. \par If you have a printer to add or more complete information for a listed printer please let me know. Lisa Kleinholz (lkleinholz at yahoo.com). Please use the format below: \par }{\b Printer}{ \par 1.\tab XyWrite version \par 2.\tab Operating System \par 3.\tab XyWrite Printer driver \par 4.\tab Network printer or local \par 5.\tab PORT used (LPT, USB, serial) \par 6.\tab PORT mappings \par 7.\tab Other wrinkles \par \par }{\b Brother 1440}{ \par 1.\tab Xy3 \par 2.\tab \ldblquote It works with Win, Mac, PCL4 emulation for DOS \par 5. Has both parallel and USB connections \par 7. I have had PagePro and Brother HL printers. For XY3, the key is the manufacturer\rquote s version of PCL emulation. The more recent PCL versions are not backwards compatible. I am doing fine with a Brother HL 1440; I even bought a spare because I don\rquote t enjoy converting to Word. My PagePro was slightly faster, but the PCL emulation was too high (and it also had an early feed mechanism failure which cannot be economically corrected). \ldblquote Fredric Gross\rdblquote \par \tab It\rquote s received a few awards; new toner cart. is about $65 and it is used by many other Brother printers, fax, and all-in-one machines so is apt to be available for some time to come. \ldblquote Joseph Fisher\rdblquote \par }{\b \par Brother 5040 laser}{ \par 1. XyWrite 4.018 \par 2. XP Pro \par 3. HP4-PLUS.PRN \par 4. Local \par 5. LPT1 \par 7. Tinkering to make footnotes print as I want them \par Though I haven\rquote t thoroughly tested them, various other XyWrite HP drivers seem to work, including the HPLJ-2, HPLJ-2D, HPLJ-2P, HPLJ-III, and HPLJ-4. The Brother is PCL 6 compatible, and PCL 5 appears to work as well. \ldblquote Nicholas Clifford \rdblquote \par }{\b Cannon Bubble Jet 230}{ \par 1. XyWrite 3.55 \par 2. MS DOS 6.20 \par 3. 3IBMPRO.PRN \par 4. Local \par 5. LPT1 \par 7. No italics \par \par }{\b Epson Action Laser 400}{ \par 3.\tab HPLJ-2P.PRN \par 7. \ldblquote Patricia M. Godfrey\rdblquote \par }{\b \par Epson Action Laser 1400}{ \par 1. Xy 4.018 \par 2. Windows 95 Command.com 8/24/96 \par 3. HPLJ-2P.PRN \par 4. Local \par 5. LPT1 \par 6. Port settings: Settings.dfl: LPT1 \par d:\\XyW4DOS\\HPLJ-2P.PRN HP LaserJet IIP \par Printer Properties: \par Spool: Spool MS-DOS print jobs unchecked \par Check Port status before printing checked \par Spool so program finishes faster checked \par Start printing after 1st page is spooled checked \par Data format: RAW \par Enable Bi-directional support checked \par \par }{\b Epson Stylus color 800}{ \par 3. EPLX850.prn, customized \par 4.\tab LPT 2 \par 7. I no longer have the Epson Stylus Color 800; when I had it I printed to it from LPT 2 (I had a scanner on that PC that was attached to LPT1--had to be\emdash so everything printed to LPT2, using a driver that was a tweak of the XyWrite driver for the EPSON LQ-570,LQ-870,LQ-1070,LQ-1170. \ldblquote Patricia M. Godfrey\rdblquote \par \par }{\b Epson Stylus Color 1160}{ \par 3. Same drivers as for Stylus 800 \par \par }{\b Epson Stylus Photo 1200}{ \par 3. Same drivers as for Stylus 800 \par \par }{\b HP Deskjet (original model)}{ \par 1. XyWrite 3.55 \par 2. MsDos 6.20 \par 3. Printer driver: XyQuest original \par 4. Local \par 5. LPT (LPT1?) \par \par }{\b HP Deskjet 340 & HP Deskjet 400}{ \par 1. Xy 3 \par 2. HP OmniBook 800 sub-laptop \par 3. Portable HP Deskjet driver downloaded from XyWrite.com Xy3 printer driver area \par 7. I haven\rquote t tried any advanced options just the simple \ldblquote print\rdblquote command from F5 command line. \ldblquote Joseph Fisher\rdblquote \par }{\b \par HP Deskjet 800 series}{ \par 3. HPLJ-2P.PRN \par 7. \ldblquote Patricia M. Godfrey\rdblquote \par }{\b \par HP Deskjet 840}{ \par 1. XyWrite 4.018 // XyWrite 3.55 \par 2. XP Pro // MS DOS 6.20 \par 3. HPDJ660C.PRN // 3DJ5-10U.PRN \par 4. Local \par 5. LPT1 \par \par }{\b HP DeskJet 855C}{ \par 1. XyWrite: 4.018 \par 2. Windows 98 Second Edition \par 3. HP-LJ2.PRN \par 4. Local \par 5. LPT1 \par 6. Printer \ldblquote Properties\rdblquote : LPT 1 \par 7. won\rquote t print line borders in Column Tables; Accented chars and typographic symbols (smart quotes, em and en dashes, ellipsis points) all OK \par \par }{\b HP Deskjet 6122}{ \par 1. XyWrite 4.018 \par 2. XP Pro \par 3. HPDJ660C.PRN \par 4. Local \par 5. LPT1 \par \par }{\b HP Deskjet 970 Cse}{ \par 1. XyWrite 4.018 \par 2. XP Pro // Windows 98 \par 3. HPD560C.PRN \par 4. Local \par 5. LPT1 \par \par }{\b HP Deskjet, original model}{ \par 1. Xy 3.55 \par 2. MS DOS 6.20 \par 3. Local \par 4. LPT \par \par }{\b HP LaserJet 1000}{ \par 1. Xy 3 // Xy 4 \par 2. Windows 2000 sp3, sp4 \par 3. 3LJ3-8U.PRN // Courier.PRN \par 4. USB \par 5. LPT1. \par 7. (I have modified 3LJ3-8U.PRN to give me the fonts I want.) \par The HP laserjet 1000 comes with a DOS driver which redirects print jobs to LPT1 to the USB port. This has worked reliably for me. I had a lot of difficulty at first with the printer because I set it up in the advanced settings tab of printer properties to print directly to printer. It appears it must be set to spool, otherwise there are problems. \ldblquote Paul Breeze \rdblquote \par }{\b \par HP LaserJet 1100A}{ \par 1. XyWrite 4.018 \par 2. Windows 2000 Pro SP4+ // Windows XP Pro SP1 // OS/2 MCP2 \par 3. Built-in XyQuest PRN \par 4. HPLJ-4.PRN \par 5. Local & network setups \par \tab See HPLaserJet II, Wrinkles \par \tab LPT1 \par \tab Robert Holmgren\rquote s Network settings: Same as HP LaserJet II network settings \par \par }{\b HP Laserjet 1300}{ \par 1. XyWrite 3.56 \par 2. XyWrite 4.017 \par 3. DOS 5.0 \par 4. HP4-PLUS.PRN (Xy4 only; for Xy3 use an earlier driver [see note 7 below]) \par 5. parallel, LPT1 \par 7. Because of the consistency of HP\rquote s Printer Control Language, you can get formatted results on this printer with any of the HP \ldblquote laserjet\rdblquote drivers written for XyWrite. HP4-PLUS.PRN only works with XY4, but you can use a driver as early as HPLJ-2.PRN with this printer to print from Xy3--consistent and excellent results. \ldblquote Carlo Caballero\rdblquote \par \par }{\b HP Laserjet 4}{ \par }{\b HP Laserjet 4M (Postscript) 6Mb RAM}{ \par 1. Ansified XyWrite 4.018 / Standard XyWrite 4.018 \par 2. W2000K, W98SE \par 3. Ansified XyWrite \par \tab POSTHP4A.PRN HP PostScript Cartridge ANSIfied \par \tab HPL4ANSI.PRN HP Laserjet 4 (PCL5 mode) ANSIfied \par \tab Standard XyWrite \par \tab POST-HP4.PRN HP PostScript Cartridge \par \tab HPLJ-4.PRN HP Laserjet 4 (PCL5 mode) \par 4. Local Printer attached to LPT1 \par 7. I have built Postscript width tables for the following soft fonts: Adobe Garamond, Adobe Garamond Bold, Classical Garamond, Helvetica Light, Minio n, Minion Bold, Myriad, ITC Stone Serif, ITC Stone Sans, ITC Stone Sans Bold and Tekton. Maybe some more but they are not included in my printer files.Manuel Castelao \ldblquote M.C.\rdblquote \par }{\b HP LaserJet 5000N in PostScript mode}{ \par 1. XyWrite 4.018 \par 2. Windows 98 2nd edition \par 3. POST47.PRN \par 4. Network printer, attached to parallel port of another machine on the network \par 6. SETTINGS.DFL: LPT2 \par \tab POST47.PRN for HP 5000N \par \tab Printer Properties: Capture LPT2 to \\\\ServerName\\c:\\HPLJ5000Nps \par 7. Neither native PS Garamond nor the Speedo Elegant Garamond print correctly: they come out looking like a slightly classier courier. \ldblquote Patricia M Godfrey\rdblquote \par \par }{\b HP LaserJet II}{ \par 1. XyWrite 4.015 \par 2. Windows XP Home ed, Int. Expl 6.0.2800sp2 \par 3. HPLJ-2.prn \par 4. Local \par 5. LPT1 \par 7. For any fancy printing, I go to XYWin and use the hundreds of fonts installed in Windows. My printer also has two slots on the front where I could install HP cartridges (for PostScript, and/or other fonts or writing systems). I haven\rquote t used any add-on cartridges. Jerry Bernstein jerryb@xxxxxxxx \par \par }{\b HP LaserJet II}{ \par 1. XyWrite v4.018 \par 2. Windows 2000 Pro SP4+ // Windows XP Pro SP1 // OS/2 MCP2 \par 3. HPLJ-2.PRN \par 4. Local & Network \par 5. LPT1 \par 6. Robert Holmgren\rquote s network setup: \par \tab NetGear PS110 \ldblquote Print Server port\rdblquote (port installed by NetGear Print Server software). Device Name=\rdblquote PS\rdblquote , Port Name=\rdblquote P1\rdblquote Print Server, attached to my network router, has fixed IP address on network: \par \tab Procedure to Print (managed by private frame in U2): \par \ldblquote TYF\rdblquote the file first, which produces FO.TMP \par Send FO.TMP to network printer with LPR.EXE: \par lpr.exe -S -P PS_P1 -o l d:\\xy4\\FO.TMP <==windows\parlpr.exe-s192.168.1.10-pps_p1-bd:\\xy4\\fo.tmp<==os/2\par}{\iinstantaneous}{printing(<1secondpausebeforestartstoprint!)\par}{\bhplaserjetiii}{\par1.xywritev4.018\par2.windows2000prosp4+//windowsxpprosp1//os/2mcp2\par3.hplj-3.prn(built-inxyquestprn)\par4.local&network\par5.lpt1\par6.seehplaserjetiifornetworksetup\par\par}{\bhplaserjetiiip}{\par1.xywritev4.018\par2.windows2000prosp4+//windowsxpprosp1//os/2mcp2\par3.hplj-3p.prn(built-inxyquestprn)\par4.local&network\par5.lpt1\par6.seehplaserjetiiwrinklesfornetworksetup\par\par}{\blexmarkorhplasers}{\par1.xphome\par3.oldslightlymodifieddrivercalledpost4039.prn\par7.iusemostlylasersfromlexmarkorhp,andeverythingjustseemstoworkeveniftheyarenotconnectedtotheparallelport.iusewindowsxphomemostly.idon\rquotetdoanythingspecialtoxywrite.ithinkmyprinterdriverisanoldslightlymodifieddrivercalledpost4039.prn.inotherwords,ifwindowsisgoingtoprintatall\emdasheitherviaethernetorviausb\emdashandthatisn\rquotetguaranteed,thenitseemsthatxywritewillprint.\ldblquotebilltroop\rdblquote\par\par}{\bnecpinwriterp2200xe}{\par3.nec2200x.prn\par\ldblquotepatriciamgodfrey\rdblquote\par}{\b\parnecpinwriterp6200}{\par3.nec6200.prn\par\par}{\bnecsuperscript860}{\par1.xywrite4.018\par2.windows98se\par3.hplj-2p\par4.lpt\par5.lpt1c:\\xy4\\xy4.017\\hplj-2p.prn\par\par}{\bxeroxdocuprintc20}{\par7.sameprinterinternallyaslexmarkoptra45\par\ldblquotej.r.fox\rdblquote\parnotesonspecificproblems:\par1.}{\bduplexprinting}{\par\tabforwhatit\rquotesworth,ihavethehp2200d(forduplex)anduseitallthetime.indeedit\rquotesslowerthansingle-sideprinting\emdashi\rquotemguessingbymorethanhalf,butonahomemachinespeedisnotthatimportant.i\rquotellhappilysacrificespeedforgoodduplexinganyday\emdashenormouspapersavings,andit\rquotesnotjusttheeconomicsofthat.onourcurrentprojectwehavethousandsofdocumentsandnotes.wesaveanenormousamountoffilespacebyduplexingandusingautilitysuchasfineprinttodouble-upononesideofthesheet.notonejamwiththehp2200dinalmostayearofuse.worththebucksinthelongrun.\par2.}{\bhpfonts}{\par\tabhphaschangedthebuilt-innativefontsinitsprintersovertime;buttheoldxywdriversareexpectingthefontsinthelj3or4(thelast,iirc,forwhichttgwrotedrivers)--andtheirfontwidths.\par3.}{\bpclemulation\ldblquotetoohigh\rdblquote}{\par\tab>Paul Breeze bought a new HP 1000W last fall, and it worked >fine, using a software emulation of PCL 5; Paul said that the >HP 1005, 1150 and 1300 printers also use that software. \par \tab >How did you learn that \ldblquote PCL emulation was too high\rdblquote ? \par \tab I learned by trial and error. Every time I changed my font, my margins moved on a Brother HL 5040 and on Minolta PagePro and QMS printers. Printing the exact same files from the exact same comput er to my HL 1440, the margin shifting did not happen. Also no problem with my old NEC 860 and 660 laser printers, but they are no longer available. Since the only variable appears to be the [rinter (or its PCL version), the obvious inference was that some body eliminated a variable from backwards compat. > The uneasy thing is, that there are so many reasons why printers \ldblquote don\rquote t work\rdblquote , e.g. bottlenecks in the spooler, that aren\rquote t related to PCL but are difficult to diagnose. That may be, but I am not competent to address it. \par \tab > My most modern HP printer is an 1100A (not that new, circa 2000 maybe). Works fine with DOS and XyWrite. PCL 5e. \par \tab The admittedly minimal paperwork that came with my LJ1300 has the following listed under \ldblquote printer languages\rdblquote : \ldblquote hp PCL 5e, hp PCL 6 and hp printer language (emulates Adobe PostScript Level 2.\rdblquote \par \tab red\rquote s point about the possible (likely?) modification of PCL by manufacturers other than HP is probably the key to differing results. Notice that in the above blurb, it\rquote s not \ldblquote PCL\rdblquote but \ldblquote hp PCL.\rdblquote \ldblquote Carlo Caballero\rdblquote \par \tab In my exposure to problems with printer drivers and older applications, I have found that in 95% of cases, if you are having problems with a PCL6 driver, it can be overcome by replacing the driver with a PCL5e driver. I don\rquote t know why...refer to this answer (it\rquote s about my level of understanding) \par \par 4. }{\b Postscript}{ \par \tab As some have said for years, all problems with printing from XyWrite can be eliminated by using a PostScript printer. Widths of the fonts never change and there ar e no compatibility problems I have ever heard of. Of course, you will not see real Adobe Postscript on any cheap laser printer. But, again, I have not heard of any modern emulation of Postscript that doesn\rquote t work impeccably for the kind of simple printing task XyWrite does. (Problems if they occur are much more likely to be related to page imposition software used by professional printers - and even so, I think after all these years the bugs have been whacked in the emulations.) \par \par \tab As for PostScript, I\rquote ve di scovered that POST47.prn causes problems on really large files, at least for PRINTF and then running the file through PDF creator. Post13, which is later, works better, but of course gives you fewer fonts. By the by, www.fixyourownprinter.com has a table showing what print engine is running under various printer models. \par \par }}

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