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Re: Xy4 Setup

Carl Distefano asked (echoing others):

>My question still is: Why?

Why not?

In Xy3 I've gotten into the habit of working in draft mode and, when it
comes time to put in a formatting command, just typing it in and letting
the program deal with it. Once it's typed, the program interprets it.
This is easier than switching to expanded mode, typing the code, and
switching back. It's also easier than using the command line -- both of
those solutions involve moving my fingers from the home row. The point
is, I could do it in Xy3, I did it, and now I want to do it in Xy4.
That's why.

I'm surprised that this group is asking, Why? I would understand that
mindset from the Word flock. But the point of XyWrite is that I can use
it in the way that is most comfortable for me. This is the most
comfortable way for me.

Timothy Olson and I were chatting about this issue after I posed the
question, and he suggested a fix (analogous to the one you proposed,
Carl). I put a script on the left chevron which saves the results of a
"mode test" on one of the "durable" programming save-gets, moves to
expanded mode, and puts in the guillemet. Then, the right chevron puts in
the guillemet, checks to see if I had been in draft mode, and if so,
switches back.

I'm having some trouble getting the program for the closing chevron to
work properly. Can anyone tell me what I'm doing wrong? Here's the
pseudo-code for *both* routines. The xpl files are attached. TIA

>CM <

>==1)||(==9)>CM 		# Draft View
==2)||(==10)>SP 	# Page-Line View
==4)||(==12)>WZ 	# Graphic View
					# Expanded View


Attachment: LEFTGUIL.XY4
Description: Binary data

Attachment: RIGHGUIL.XY4
Description: Binary data