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Re: Another use for batch spelling

You can also use batch spell to index a book or long document by
creating a dummy DICT.SPL with nothing in it so that the spell check
dumps all the unique words to file (except the very common ones which
seem to be built into EDITOR.EXE). Delete all the words you don't
want in the index from the list, save it and then CORRECT
[name_of_list_file],≪X1≫ - hey presto...

The only catch is that there is a bug that puts the ≪X1≫ inside
some other formatters, especially at the end of paragraphs and in
footnotes - eg ≪MDNM≪X1≫≫ which makes the index marker invisible
to the index gathering process. A series of simple search and
changes fixes this annoyance in no time at all. Also don't forget to
restore the original DICT.SPL when you have finished.

I regularly index the 200+ page special issue of our journal using
this technique.

I only use batch spelling because it is infinitely faster than
ordinary spell checking in a document. The only disadvantage is that
it doesn't pick up double double words.

Jon Inggs