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** Reply to note from Harry Binswanger  Sat, 16 Nov 1996 07:25:06 -0500 (EST) 
> I've found a way to get that STACK STACK STACK STACK message that someone 
> was asking about. 
> I get it when I excecute: 
> va/nv \15 
> On the Prompt line I get the content of error message 15, as I should, 
> followed by all those STACK's. 
You're supposed to get "Help file too large" followed by the name of 
the too-large Help file. Anyway, this message doesn't reflect any real error; 
it's just a way of retrieving information about a particular error number 
after the fact. STACK all over your screen actually reflected David Erickson's 
mind-joggled enthusiasm for Stack v2.0, which David Auerbach and I released back 
around 1988. It was a programmer's (rather peculiar) way of saying that you 
should shut down and reflect how much easier life, and writing, would be if 
you used Stack. By the time Xy4 rolled around, everybody was using Stack anyway, 
so he eased up a bit on the pressure (unduly heavyhanded -- crashed your session, 
even -- the whole episode was embarrassing).

Robert Holmgren 