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VDL.BAT update

VDL.BAT has a new usage:


where "ext" is the extension of config.ext, which must exist in the vDos-lfn
directory. Multiple config files are the most natural way to save different
configurations of vDos-lfn, so this is probably the most useful shorthand for
people who run multiple vDos-lfn configurations. I find that I use it more
often than aliases.

Additional settings (overriding those in config.ext) can be specified with the
/set switch (same as for vDos-lfn.exe):

VDL.BAT ext /set option1=value1; option2=value2; ...

The same usages work with frame VDL,VDL/ in U2.

You can grab the updated VDL.ZIP here:

Or just copy and paste VDL.BAT:

@goto :A
VDL.BAT -- C.L.Distefano rev.8/10/16
Launch vDos-lfn with Command-Line Options

1) Launch vDos-lfn without command-line arguments:

2) Launch vDos-lfn with command-line arguments [see Note a)]:
  VDL.BAT [vDos-lfn arg(s) here]

3) Launch using config.ext (same as VDL.BAT /cfg config.ext):
  VDL.BAT ext

4) Launch using config.ext and set additional config options:
  VDL.BAT ext /set option1=value1; option2=value2; ...

5) Launch using settings saved as an "alias" in VDLALIAS.BAT [see Note b)]:
  VDL.BAT [alias_name]

a) See the vDos-lfn README.TXT for details on setting configuration
  options with arguments on the command line.
b) Aliases used by VDL.BAT are collected in a separate file, VDLALIAS.BAT.
  See VDL.TXT and VDLALIAS.BAT for examples.
@echo off
for %%Z in (%0) do cd/d %%~dpZ
set VDLargs=
if %1!==! goto :B
set VDLargs=%*
if exist config.%1 (
  start.exe _ vDos-lfn.exe /cfg config.%VDLargs%
  goto :C)
if %VDLargs:/=%==%VDLargs% (if exist VDLALIAS.BAT (
 call VDLALIAS.BAT %VDLargs%) else set VDLargs=) else set VDLargs=%*
start.exe _ vDos-lfn.exe %VDLargs%
set VDLargs=
goto :eof

Carl Distefano