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OT: setting default browser

Jordan wrote:
When you use IE, depending on what you are doing,
or maybe some detail that went by too quickly and casually for you to notice,
I think it can "take over" as your only browser. (This is just based on my
own observation, from a few systems I've worked on.) It may be that your
installed Netscape got the heave-ho, in this fashion. There probably is a
way to get it reactivated, but I don't know the procedure.

Here's the procedure as explained on www.desktopnews.com :
"Quit Netscape and: a.In a folder in the 'Netscape\Users' folder (default location is C:\Program Files), find and edit (e.g., using Notepad) the file named 'prefs.js' (remember to make a back-up copy first), by changing "true" to "false" in the line that reads 'user_pref("browser.wfe.ignore_def_check", true);'.
"(If you don't find this line, Netscape may already be configured as your
default browser.) Start Netscape Communicator. You are prompted to set
Netscape Navigator as your default Web browser. Click 'Yes'. "
In other words, a line in prefs.js determines whether it should put up that
little dialogue box whereby you can make Netscape your default browser.

Harry Binswanger