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Re: A XyWrite for Windows installer

I have four pclex dictionaries, spanish, french, german and italian, that may be the ones Robert identified.


On 10/01/2020 15:41, Kari Eveli wrote:

Edward, One question: the reference material lists a function that claims to size the document window (MW sw). Does anyone know how to use this to set a window to a specific size? If so, I'll update the installer to use it. I do not know. One way of finding out this kind of stuff would be to scan the menu files (DLG) and find an instance. I did some experimenting with the speller files, and ran into this post by Robert Holmgren "IBM Releases 27 Dictionaries/Thesaurii for Xy4-DOS and XyWin" (http://www.holmgren.org/XySearch/mail/msg30774.html). My question, has anyone of a copy of these spellers? Best regards, Kari Eveli LEXITEC Book Publishing (Finland) lexitec@xxxxxxxxxx