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Re: XyWin-specific installation instructions/package

Kari, Ed,
I use Fineprint PDF Factory printer driver.  I get to preview the output, print to any windows printer, save the file where ever I want, and the file sizes are smaller than most pdf's. It is a PAID program but rather cheap considering how much I use it.


On 2/12/2020 6:52 PM, Edward Mendelson wrote:
One more thought. In fact, anyone should be able to use XyWin with only two things: otvdm (perhaps installed from my Otvdm Installer) and XyWin itself (perhaps installed from my XyWin installer). XyWin can print to many Windows printer drivers, like the default driver for my LaserJet, and it can print to PDFs using the Bullzip PDF Printer or similar PDF printers.
If you want to save to PDF, there's no need for my PrintFilePrinter 
unless you want to print using a XyWrite printer driver or you want 
the features it offers that aren't easily available elsewhere. The 
BullZip PDF Printer driver has all sorts of options for output, 
including where to save the PDF, whether to use a filename with the 
date in the name, and much else that my PrintFilePrinter can't even 
approach. The PrintFilePrinter is useful for sending raw output, and a 
few other options, but for saving PDFs, the BullZip Printer Driver is 
a far better choice.