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Re: XyWrite under Linux (possibly)

Thanks for the suggestion, but I use the x86-64 version of Ubuntu 16.04 fine and without any issues. It was and is the dosemu x86-64 package that had and has the issues. Installing the i386 package, which is supported on x86-64 Ubuntu 16.04, solved the problem. For me at least there was no need to revert to the 386 Ubuntu release; on my machine, performance would have taken a hit.  In the future, after an upgrade, I would install dosemu2.


On 7/27/20 4:53 PM, Daniel Say wrote:
  Paul Lagasse [pglagasse@xxxxxxxxxxx]   wrote
Sent: July 27, 2020 07:49
To: xywrite@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: XyWrite under Linux (possibly)

I had forgotten, not having upgraded Ubuntu in a while, that it is no
longer producing an 386 version.

It is therefore extremely unlikely that you have access to the
dosemu:i386 package that I am running, though you might have access to
another 386 dosemu package depending on the distribution DreamCompute
offers. You should NOT install the standard dosemu package from Ubuntu
or any other Debian-based distribution. If you can install from a ppa on
DreamCompute, follow Edward's instructions to install dosemu2.


========= for 386 versions you might use the Distrowatch database for 386


276 versions or near relatives to Linux,'

For more flexible search options and filters, please visit rtheir Advanced Search section.

Old 386 versions still lie around.   The list indicates 99 with the "386" key

Paul Lagasse