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Re: DOSBox-X version 0.83.7 released!

I would love to know the right settings for best font rendering when running 132 x 43 text mode. There are just so many combinations. For instance, Output should be (for a 1920 x 1080 monitor) . . .?

I measure the speed of dosbox-x as twice that of VDP. That's important to me when doing time-consuming compiles.

On Thu, Nov 5, 2020 at 12:38 PM Carl Distefano <cld@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> I would regard vDosPlus XyWrite as a mature solution, and DOSBox-X
> as a work in progress.

This is a fair assessment. I've been paying close attention to DOSBox-X
ever since the "core=dynamic" and "cycles=max" settings made it
significantly faster. As you know, I run XyWrite 4 with U2, and I've
been impressed with DOSBox-X's compatibility with that setup: virtually
every routine, including the ones that depend on AutoIt, run as

(In addition to the settings mentioned above, it's essential to set
"startquiet=true" and "nocachedir=true"; also, "high intensity
blinking=false" is recommended.)

As excellent as vDosPlus is, it's at a developmental dead end, while
DOSBox-X is in the throes of active development, which can be both
exciting and frustrating. But having Wengier on the team gives
XyWriters an energetic, responsive advocate within the project. It will
remain on my radar, for sure.

Carl Distefano