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Re: Clip under Dosbox-X-App

Hi Edward,

I think Jon P referred to this page:

In the bottom you can find the following paragraph:

Note: For applications like XyWrite that will not run under vDos, you may try this experimental DOSBox-X-App, which is a macOS version of DOSBox-X wrapped in an AppleScript that supports printing, etc. Drive C: in the DOSBox-X-App is the DOSBoxDisk folder inside your user folder. Add files to this folder as needed.


On Dec 2, 2020, at 6:04 PM, Edward Mendelson <em36@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

Jon P, I'm afraid I'm baffled. What "vDos under macOS" page are you referring to? Could you post a link? It's clearly something that I posted, but I don't know what it is or where.

I maintain two different Mac-based systems, one based on vDos, the other based on DOSBox-X. As Wengier says, I haven't posted an updated version of the DOSBox-X system.

The date "2019.8.21" sounds like something that I put together, but, again, I don't know which. It sounds as if you're running a vDos version, which of course won't have a DOSBox configuration file, since it isn't DOSBox. I'd be glad to help out, but I would need to know exactly what we're talking about.