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Re: A DOSBox-X environment for Windows and macOS

Many thanks for providing this DOSBox-X app and instructions. It seems to be the solution I've been searching for. I am trying to set it up, and all has gone well installing and opening from my desktop on a Mac Mini running MacOS Mojave 10.14.6.

Forgive me for these rudimentary questions, and I am trying to figure out the best way to use XyWrite with folders accessible from several different Mac computers. I am still on Mojave because of the compatibility problem with recent MacOS. If I can get this running, I will move to a newer OS.

1. I usually run XyWrite from a Dropbox folder [XY4}, launched from a C drive in Boxer. Is there a way to mount that folder as a drive (preferably C:) under the DOSBox-X environment?

2. How do I mount a second drive from a different Dropbox folder (where I keep backups, etc)? I see there is already a D: drive mounted. Can I change the location?

Many thanks in advance.

Lisa Kleinholz

On Tue, Dec 29, 2020 at 10:54 AM Edward Mendelson <em36@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

Thanks to Wengier's recent work on DOSBox-X, that program is now highly
usable for DOS applications like XyWrite, so I've put together an
environment that adds printing, PDF-creation, and a few other features
to DOSBox-X.

You won't need this under Windows, because Wengier's vDosPlus
environment does everything you need, but vDosPlus won't run under
current macOS versions, so the macOS version of this DOSBox-X
environment should make it possible to work with XyWrite on the Mac. I
haven't tested everything, so be warned. Preliminary details here:


NB: the address starts with "http:" NOT "https:" in case your browser
tries to find an "https:" address and tells you that it can't find the
page or the files linked in it.