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Re: DOSBox-X version 0.83.20 released!

Many thanks, Wengier! I wondered what is the difference between sdl1 and sdl2. Also, on MacOS I always remap capslock to command, and would like to have DOSBox-X use capslock for control as well, but I don't seem to be able to find the information.

At 12/14/2021 02:55 PM, you wrote:
Hi Bill,
For this version you can download the macOS x86-64 build for your system. The macOS ARM64 build will again be available for the next version. As for setting up XyWrite, I think Kari is more familiar with this as a very experienced XyWrite user, so he may provide some installation guide or program when he has time.


> On Dec 14, 2021, at 8:16 AM, Bill Troop <billtroop@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> I'm a bit confused as to which is the best option to download for M1 processors? Also, is there any existing guidance about setting up XyWrite on that platform? I will be coming from a fairly old but totally solid version of vDos.