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Re: Exporting files with accented characters

Kari and Carl,

Thank you for this. I confess that I’m baffled at the way Xy4 handles accented characters. When I create a file with a few common accented characters in Nota Bene 4, the file uses standard codepage 437 symbols for those characters. By Xy4 seems to store them with unique codes that don’t correspond to anything else.

This ZIP file contains four files: xyfile.xy and nbfile.nb are two files that look identical in Xy4, but one was created by Xy4 and the other by NB4. When I export them as RTF ANSI from Xy4, I get the files xyfile.rtf and nbfile.rtf. As you can see, the RTF made by Xy4 from the Xy4 file is all wrong, while the RTF made by Xy4 from the NB4 file is correct.

Am I misunderstanding everything about this?