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Re: Exporting files with accented characters

Was my experience with cutting and pasting accented characters between Xy4 in vDos, and Windows 10, transparently, so limited that it wasn't working as well as I thought it was? As far as I knew, this was something that just worked.
For example, I just copied from Windows a-grave, 
a-acute, a-circumflex, and a-umlaut, and ditto 
for e, into XyWrite on vDos/Win10. The 
translation is perfect. And I am using standard 
code frames, etc. there is no ansification or any 
other special thing. In fact, whenever I need an 
accented character in Xy4, rather than go through 
the special Hell that is normally required, I 
simply type it into any windows program (using 
the US Int'l keyboard, which makes it all a dream) and then paste it into Xy4.

There are other questions:
1. how would this work with importing actual text files rather than copy/paste via the clipboard?

2. Why can't the same thing work between MacOS and Xy4 via DOSbox?
3. If clipboard is the only simple way to do it, then how large can the clipboard be?
4. It seems clear that this system only works for 
the standard western european accents ?

At 2/4/2022 01:20 PM, you wrote:
Manuel and Carl and Kari,

This is very useful information. Am I right in thinking that this is true:
If I want to create a Xy4 setup that can be used today by someone who needs accented characters, then ANSIfied XyWrite is essential. Ordinary XyWrite simply wonâ¬"t work because it canâ¬"t share accented characters with anything else.
Manuel, if this is true, is there a 
straightforward way to create an ANSIfied Xy4 
that will work in DOSBox-X? I suppose that a 
setup that works in vDosPlus will also work in 
DOSBox-X? Iâ¬"m happy to do this for public 
consumption if it doesnâ¬"t involve hours of 
manual editing of keyboard files but simply drops in new files?