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Re: XyWrite List on DuckDuckGo !bang ?

You may be right. There are other ways to achieve something similar, e.g. I have a side-by-side installation of old and new Firefox. In the classic 52.9.0esr edition, I used "Add to Search Bar" add-on to add "XySearch" to the search bar. My double installation means also that I can transfer this functionality to the current Firefox. In case someone is intrigued by this option, please read my blog on the subject (it is in English despite the name!):

Best regards,

Kari Eveli
LEXITEC Book Publishing (Finland)

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PS: Since we already have a deluxe, comprehensive, dedicated search
engine in XySearch, it's not clear to me what the value-added of a DDG
bang would be.


-- Carl Distefano cld@xxxxxxxxxx