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Re: vdosplus keyboard anomaly

Reply to note from "John Paines" <dmarc-noreply@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
("vf200") Fri, 12 Aug 2022 15:20:10 +0000 (UTC)


> I've performed unknown editing keystrokes which suddenly render
> the keyboard inoperative in both vdosplus and Windows -- either
> keystrokes don't work, or they perform unexpected actions,
> bringing up Windows dialogues and menus. Ending vdos in the task
> manager does not bring the keyboard back. All I can do is shutdown
> and restart.

I experience "stuck" shifting keys (Shift, Alt, Ctrl) in vDosPlus
fairly regularly. Jiggling these keys usually unsticks them.
Occasionally, I have to kill and restart the vDosPlus session, but I've
never had to go so far as to restart Windows. I have no idea what
causes the keys to stick, and no solution to offer. It's a bit odd that
you've only just started to experience this problem. Has something in
your setup changed?

Carl Distefano