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DOSBox-X setup for exiisting vDosPlus XyWrite installs

Hello all,
I am happy to announce the availability of DOSBox-X support files. They are a part of the upcoming XyWrite Update & Service Pack system. They can be used right now for setting up and running old vDosPlus XyWrite installs in DOSBox-X. For this purpose, use https://www.lexitec.fi/xywrite/DOSBox-X%20for%20XyWrite%20Update.zip
After testing extensively, I found that NB 4.5 cannot be run properly 
using vDosPlus. DOSBox-X is the solution for running it, and support for 
NB 4.x will be dropped in vDosPlus XyWrite Update.

Carl, if you wish to mirror these files, please do.

Feedback and suggestions are most welcome.

Best regards,

Kari Eveli
LEXITEC Book Publishing (Finland)

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