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Re: vDosPlus XyWrite 4 Service Pack and vDosPlus XyWrite Update (for all XyWrite products)

This should be relatively easy by using the Update installer (5.02). It adds all necessary files to the folders (point it to the same folders where you have your 437 Service Pack). Note that your Destop icon to the new setup changes to 'vDosPlus XyWrite 4' without the CP. You have to make the manual changes described in !SP_note.txt (it is in the XyWrite folder). Your existing settings.dfl or startup.int are not affected by the Update installer. They need the minor changes described in !SP_note.txt to switch CPs as the Update installer is designed to support both. And if something goes wrong, your current setup can be restored from the automatic backups.

Best regards,

Kari Eveli
LEXITEC Book Publishing (Finland)

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Thank you for that information about CP850. Is there a way to change a 437 setup (now heavily customized) to an 850 setup without going through the whole process of customizing again?