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JB-> jim besser:

JB-> How do you like the screen fonts? Is it fairly readable? That's been
 -> my biggest gripe about WP/Win, tho I don't know if it's a
 -> WP or a Windows problem.

JB-> Also, how is it in terms of resource use? WP uses so much of the system's
 -> capacity that it's difficult to have anything else loaded, even with 8 MB
 -> memory. How is Xy/Win?

If you run windows, you should try using ATM, not True type (TTF).
About the best thing that can be said for TTFs is that they
lowered the price of Postscript fonts; the worst is that TTFs are
a resource hog. There is no native limit in Windows as to how
much memory TTFs can claim: therefore TTFs can theoretically
claim it all. With ATM *you* set the limit on how much memory
your fonts are allowed.

But whichever font system you choose, there must be some font you
like. You have literally thousands of choices. (The draft and
expanded view in Xywin are dependent on the font files in
system.ini which are dependent on your computer's graphics card.)

 ? SLMR 2.1a ? Art + write + dtp = chet.gottfried@xxxxxxxx