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RE: Styles (was Re: Xy Win/macros, etc.)

Eric -

You've done some good thinking about how to handle the anomalies of
styles. And thanks for bringing up the issue. Using markup to define the
structure of a document rather than the appearance has a lot of
advantages (hence the popularity of XML and SGML).

I have a different approach that may solve some of the problems you're
having. It would work this way.

For each style definition, define a corresponding "end of style" style,
which turns off the features turned on in the style. For instance, if you
define , then also create a style  . If style SUB
turns on Bold using , then XSUB or _SUB can turn off the Bold
using . Similarly,  I realize this has some limitations in
XyWrite, because not all formatting commands are subject to the
additive/subtractive approach. But you might be able to set up a
stylesheet that allows you to changing the appearance of the text without
changing the coding.

I haven't implemented this, but it might be worth a try.

