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Re: Goodbye Xy?

On Fri, 5 Jul 1996 22:55:34 EST, James Besser wrote:

>The lack of keyboard customization capability in DeScribe is a problem. So is the
>lack of any way to edit formatting codes. With XyWrite, I can change the margins
>of a recurring block of text with a single command, in expanded mode; with
>DeScribe, I have to do it manually, chunk by chunk. The speller in DeScribe and
>the thesauurus are distinctly inferior to the relic in XyWrite.

I've found the keyboard to be easy to change, once I got the hang of it. I now have
Describe keys for just about everything I was accustomed to in Xy. By using the Keyboard
Manager in the Options menu it is possible to do a great deal of customising. As for the
formatting codes, I, too, found this a very difficult transition. But now that I know how to
use Describe's frames and styles, I actually find them easier. For instance, with indented
text, if you setup an "indent" style then whenever you want to indent you only need click
(of use keyboard) on the indent style in the floating style pallet. To me, this is easier than
the Xy method: insert IP 5,5, type text, insert IP 0,0 type text, insert IP 5,5 type text, etc.
The great feature of a Describe style is that, if you later decide to change the amount of
left or right indent of the indented chunks, all you need to do is make one change on the
style pallet and then all chunks will be automatically changed. To my knowledge, Xy
requires you to make each change separately. I know that you can do a quick search and
replace, but that still is more complicated than the Describe way. Describe is conceptually
simpler in this regard. Getting used to not having visible formatting codes is difficult, but
once you do, it is easier. (This sounds like our own version of the WordPerfect vs WFW
debate, doesn't it.)

Carl and others have commented on the merits of XPL and the ability of Xy to run
programs from the command line. True, and I do miss the command line, but Describe has
REXX hooks built into its macro language, and I am told you can use REXX to make
Describe jump through hoops.

My ideal solution is to have an OS/2 version of Xy, but that, obviously, is not to be. In the
meantime, I have decided that what I get with the combination of Describe and OS/2 is a
better package than what I get with Xy. I give priority to three things: on-screen
readability, stability, and speed. Describe is the clear winner in the first two. Xy still wins
for speed of search and replace, but for other actions there isn't much difference.

Now, I will continue to use XyIII+ and IV for the initial editing of a journal we produce. It's
great for that. In fact, it can't be beat. But we have gone over to FrameMaker for the
layout (we used to use Xy for the whole show), and for most of the rest of what I do,
Describe looks like the better choice.

John G.

Dr J.L. Gordon
Department of Anthropology
University of Western Australia
Nedlands, WA 6907

tel: +61 9 380 2850
fax: +61 9 380 1062
