Harry Binswanger wrote:
We had rumor and statements from, who, Circuit City salesmen?
NO! We had an "error message" that popped up on the screen of a PCrunning Vista, saying, in effect, "You cannot do that." But in fact one
can do it: Robert did it, the sales rep did it, and having seen how, I
don't doubt I could do it.
Here's the message from Marge Choate:"My source for my statement [about no full screen under Vista] was Ben
Armstrong's blog, Virtual PC Guy's Weblog, found via Google on keywords
'command prompt' and 'full screen.'"
That error message was written by M$ programmers and incorporated in the
finished product sold by M$. That makes it a statement of M$.
You're reaching. First it was Bill Gates lied again, now it's that fifteen
levels down there's a programmer who put up a (possibly) misleading error
message, and Gates is responsible. Sure, he's responsible, but it doesn't
make him a *liar* --"again" no less.
If you want to think billg doesn't know what his programmers are doing
and what is incorporated in the company's products, go ahead. That would,
in my book, render him incompetent, not dishonest. Which would you rather
be thought?
Incompetent, for sure. Sorry to jump on you, Patricia, but all these angry,
gratuitous attacks on Microsoft get very irritating. I dislike many
features of Windows, too, and I curse their and others' software when it
frustrates me, but I recognize that overall XP works pretty darn well.
Yeah, it's bloated but it solves two problems of earlier versions: crashes
and difficulty installing new peripherals.
Harry Binswanger