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Re: emacs...

EMACS is basically an editor, not a word processor. I used it for
some time for email, since it was the most flexible editor
available at my university's site for use with TELNET. But I was
delighted when I could switch to Netscape for email, since EMACS
is superbly anti-intuitive. Of course, any hotkey is simply a
finger movement or two, which one gets used to tactually, not
intellectually. But those for EMACS seem designed to be as hard
as possible to learn and remember.

I am attaching a small file I made for my own use that summarizes
the basic emacs commands. It will give you an idea of what the
commands do and what they are.

Nathan Sivin
History and Sociology of Science
University of Pennsylvania
Philadelphia PA 19104-6304
(215) 898-7454
®MDUL¯MAKE EMACS DEFAULT EDITOR:®MDNM¯ In ELM, do o for options, + for 2d option screen, e to change default editor, type: emacs, E to change reply editor, same for e, do > to save changes, r to return.
To replace, use /pkg/bin/pico.elm
®IP0IN,3IN¯®MDUL¯GENERAL®MDNM¯ (for M press Esc key and release before
next key)
^g	cancel cmd
^u(+no.)	repeat count for following cmd [or Esc + no.]
^v ®MDIT¯n®MDNM¯	universal repeater for next command; default 4x {27}
^l	redisplay, cursor at middle of screen
spell check {63}  expand abbreviations {67}  picture mode {164}
^2	set mark	^xh	mark whole buffer
^x^x	exchange point & mark (to check where mark is)
^w	delete, mark to cursor  Mw	copy, ditto
^y	undelete, move or copy deleted
^a	beg. of line	^e	end of line
^p	previous line	^n	next line
^b	back 1 char	^f	forward 1 char
Mb	back 1 word	Mf	forward 1 word
Ma	back 1 sentence	Me	forward 1 sentence
M[	back 1 para	M]	forward 1 para
Mv	back 1 screen	^v	forward 1 screen
M<	beg of file	M>	end of file
^k	to EOL (Esc1^k, ln)	Mk	to end of sent
Bksp	char backwd	MBksp	del wd backwd
^d	char fwd	Md	del wd fwd
Mq	reformat para	Mg	reformat region
^t	transpose ltrs	Mt	transpose words (cursor on 2d)
Mc	init caps word	indent region {146}
Mu	uppercase word	Ml	lowercase word
^x^u	uppercase region	^x^l	lowercase region
^x ^b 	list buffers
^x 1	zap buffer list, back to orig window
^x k	del current buffer
^x rename-buffer		rename current buffer
^x ^f ®MDIT¯f®MDNM¯	open buffer with specified or blank file
^x 4 ^f	load file in other window
^x b	move to other buffer (add ®MDIT¯f®MDNM¯ if desired)
^x s	save all buffers, query name if new
^x ^s	save to file shown
^x ^c	end session
^z	suspend session	commands in list {82}
Use TAB to complete filename
^x^v	zap current buffer, load new
^x i	insert file
^x^s	save
^x^w	save as
^x (	begin	^x )	end
^g	abort macro record	^x e	execute
^x u	undo	^u^x(	add to existing, end with ^x )
Mx name-last-keyboard-macro RTN	[name] RTN   save current macro (for current session)
^x^f .emacs RTN Mx insert-kbd-macro RTN [macroname] RTN ^x^s  save saved macro in .emacs startup
Mx [name]	execute named macro 	(temp or in startup file)
^l	cursor to ctr	^u 0 ^l	cursor to top
^v	screen down	Mv	screen up
(these do lines down/up when preceded by Esc-no. of lines)
^s	search (increm)	^r	search bkwd	^g^g	stop search
M5	replace w/query	Mx repl s	RTN search str RTN replace str ^r	do, bkwd RTN
^r	interrupt to edit	^c c	resume replace
wild cards {62}
^x u or ^*-	 undo	^y	insert buffer (use to copy)
		My	insert early buffers in order
^x 1/2	1/2 windows	^x o	to other window
M^v	other window down
Change with Mx 	fundamental-mode: default
Check with ^h m	text-mode: for typing text
All are toggles	auto-fill-mode: for word wrap (text mode)
^h	a =apropos keyword, c =command, f=function, ~k=long info on key, ^p=brief info on key, t=tutorial
read MAN files	 {134}