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Re: MS-Word saves in XY4?

Carl Distefano wrote:
> Reply to note from Harmon Seaver  Tue, 21 Aug
> 2007 22:38:04 -0500
> Harmon:
>> I wasn't able to get SARTF to work. Running it straight on the
>> command line gives me "command not found" and trying it as
>> "SARTF " gives me "Application Error".
> You were given the wrong command. It's SA/RTF.
  Ahh, thanks -- that works, although it first called up the
u2wwweb.reg file which asked if xyshell.exe was installed. I had shell
to dos and look, it's not. So I put in N and saved it, then the command
worked. However, trying some other commands, like CA2 gives me a
"waiting for xyshell" or something like that and then it sits there
counting off 60 seconds. Read the webpage, I see that xyshell is
something only for windows and os/2, and I'm using straight dos -- can't
it just shell to dos for that stuff?
  I thought I had configured reg when I ran the u2utils.exe during the
install, but of course some of that didn't seem to work since I wasn't
in windows, if I recall.

Harmon Seaver