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Nb4 And Latex

NB4 and LaTeX

I am pleased to announce that an *experimental version* of a
program able to translate NB4 files to LaTex format is ready.
The program is called (obviously) NB4LATEX.

One of the problems of NB, particularly for users who need
symbols used in logical sciences, or IPA characters, is that
those glyphs are visible on screen but most of them cannot be
printed. With this program you can print all of these symbols.
Only most of the semigraphic chars of NB4 (for example number
200, 201 or similar of the Ascii table) are not translated, but
TeX offers much better graphic abilities! Latex styles are
required by many publishers and journals, and this is another
important advantage.

LaTeX format
The output will be LaTeX2e format. Sorry for those who would
prefer plain TeX or LaTeX 2.09, but I find that there are so many
useful features in the new LaTeX that I preferred to use this
format. For example, a string like

 in his book ≪MDIT≫Ancient Philosophy≪MDNM≫, Smith says


    in his book \textit{Ancient Philosophy}, Smith says

I decided to set ≪MDBU≫, that is seldom used -- at least by me
! -- as NB input for small caps. All the other styles
(italics, bold, underdot usw) are translated correctly.

A set of NB4 'Latex-like' styles will be set for this program.
These styles will emulate the LateX styles, and the ≪US...≫
deltas will be translated into their Latex equivalents (e.g.:
≪USSECTION≫ = \section).

_Requirements_: LaTeX2e and an appropriate version of TeX, of
course: I use emTeX (the latest version). You must use a
LaTeX format obtained with the '850tex' option. For some chars
the new 'T1' fonts are necessary.

The first *working version* of NB4LATEX should be available by
the end of the month, and will be a freeware program. At that
stage, I will be grateful to those who will accept to be
"beta-users" of the program.

Those who are interested in discussing the matter, further
details, known problems, etc. will kindly notice that, due to a
request of the commercial service I use for my mail
(I do not use my University e-mail address) I read the messages
on Usenet. This means that I may reply several days after you
post your message.

    g.     (2nd Sept. 1995)

Guido Milanese
Universita' Cattolica      Internet: mc1194@xxxxxxxx
Ist. di Filologia Classica     smail: Largo Gemelli 1
+39.2.72342-750  Fax -740        I-20123 Milano MI