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XY-> In Re F frames in 4 for dos.

XY-> Version 4.16 does support them, however they don't allow you simply to press
 -> the bolded letter or number you have assigned to the program. You must
 -> cursor down to the number/letter you want or use your rodent.

XY-> --Leslie--

Thanks, Leslie,

And I just ordered the DOS version (so I'll have the fun of
running 3+, Xywin, and now 4).

I enjoy program writing, but I'm also exceedingly lazy: my
favorite program allows up to a thousand changes to any number of
files simultaneously and it's dependent at one point on help
frame F. Yes, it sounds pretentious; I doubt whether I've ever
made more than 30 changes at any one time to a group of files.


 ? SLMR 2.1a ? Art + write + dtp = chet.gottfried@xxxxxxxx