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SA-> " What Customization Guide???? Apart from being a die-hard 3+

SA->     Is this because the XYWin has to be CUA compliant and
 ->     therefore you can't change the keys and much of the
 ->     programming since the Windows applications have to be
 ->     the same across software(s)?
 ->                     Daniel Say
 ->                     say@xxxxxxxx
There is a trend going on for Windows WPs, such as MS Word and
WordPerfect, to cut out programming information from the main
text and sell a programming manual separately. Perhaps TTG has
that intention but hasn't come around to doing it yet.

Otherwise, the keyboard is a bit of a headache to deal with but
many of my programs (written for 3+) run well in the Windows


 ? SLMR 2.1a ? Art + write + dtp = chet.gottfried@xxxxxxxx