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Re: XyWin on XP

flash wrote:
Sometimes it is no single installation or service pack, but a certain
combination of them in a certain order which leads to an undesirable
effect on some other part of the OS or some other application.
Indeed. And I still suspect memory allocation. Theoretically, all
specific memory locations (once the BIOS, opsys, and drivers have
loaded) are supposed to be legal fictions, no? I mean, you can
have two (or maybe more; I've never tried more than two) DOS
apps, running in different VDMs, each "thinking" it's running in
the lower 640 K of RAM. But some apps (and I think drivers too)
somehow manage to insist on, and get, loaded in a specific
location. And XyWin, I think, is one of them. If you have
something else that insists on that address, or that just got put
there by Windows, kerflooey.
One thing I have noted: every box here that runs XyWin on XP
(three of them, plus one W2K) has "space" in its HMA: if you go
to device manager and look at the memory allocation, there are
"holes" in the addresses where all the hardware is loaded (this
may be because I insist on having PS/2 mouse and keyboard ports,
so USB drivers for them aren't needed at startup). The Vista
laptop doesn't.
Patricia M. Godfrey