On Fri, Jul 27, 2012 at 11:09 AM, Carl Distefano mailto:cld@xxxxxxxx wrote:I tried a shorter DF block; that again gave "Different Files" on the PR line. Then went and DFd everything from the first 'TABLE=' to EOF in each window-adjacent file which did give a new window with the output in the attached ascii file--I suggest opening it in XyWrite as in another editor it shows up differently, which is why I haven't copied it directly here (I'm on a Mac using DosBox).Quoting Fred Weiner mailto:fw1948@xxxxxxxx:The prompt line offered DIFFERENT FILES. Nothing I could see of a comparison, no third window opened. So, the frame did something but didn't let me know the result.
Quoting Carl Distefano mailto:cld@xxxxxxxx:"Different files" means that there weren't enough points of similarity between the files or DF blocks to compile a meaningful list of differences. To some extent this is driven by quirks in funcs FD (FindDifference) and FM (FindMatch), which aren't amenable to tweaking. Try DeFining larger or smaller sections of the two files.I tried a number of different positions for the the cursor-then-Back to you, Carl, and thank you.instruction that had appeared on the PR line; all of them loaded the U2 help file, cursor at the frame '{Help,Link,About,XyWWWeb,INF,U2}', nothing that made sense to me. FWAttachment: LDDF.OUT
Description: Binary dat