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settings.dfl with vanishing cursor in overstrike mode

;This file is generated from "Defaults" in Options menu.
;Set language dependent parameters df eu=.,:,;
; LA sets the code page df la=437
; UH sets horizontal unit of measure df uh=di,di
; UV sets vertical unit of measure df uv=li,li
; HY 1 turns on automatic hyphenation df hy=0
; HV sets hyphenation rules
DF HV=6,3,3
;JL=1 tells the printer to justify underlined material. A few
older dot-matrix printers set JU=0, which will cancel out the JL
settings when those printers are loaded. df JL=1
; SM=1 keeps the menu bar displayed df sm=0
; MW=1 displays window border (MW=2 for staggered windows, MW=0
for no border) df mw=0
; XT=1 turns on messages for embedded commands (IP becomes
"Indent Paragraph (IP)") df xt=1
; JZ=1 zero job (turns off certain settings after printing) df jz=1
; DT=1 is draft view; DT=2 is formatted view; DT=4 is graphic view. df dt=2
; NW=3 is automatic windows (NW=0 for manual windows),NW=1 retains directory windows df nw=1
; XD=1 sets directory to read-only df xd=0
; FX is field separator df fx=?0D?0A
; RS is record separator df rs=?0D?0A?0D?0A
; EP is error prompt (erase, print sel, print dir, abort, func SA, del ?, font mismatch) df
; WA is wait time for error messages (18 = 1 second) df wa=36
; AL=1 turns on autoleading df al=1
; LS=1LI sets single-line spacing when autoleading is off df ls=1LI

; BK=1 turns on automatic backup of files df bk=1
; AOT is the autosave time in minutes df aot=5,6
; RX and RY set the mouse sensitivity df rx=15 df ry=15
; IO=1 turns on Document Information df io=0
; HT and HI determine what columns are displayed with DIR/SU df
ht=Filename      Author   Saved    Comment df hi=%f
        au     %d     cm
; PX is character used for visible page break df PX=196
; DE is soft carriage return df DE=?03,?

; XM displays Page-Line Number and Filename and Time indicators
on prompt line df XM=*PL*FI*TI
; Default Font and Symbol Set
;df uf=standard
;df sy=23z,10,0 df uf=CGTIMES df sy=7J,0,0
; os=1 prints in one-sided format, applying only formatting
commands designed for odd-numbered pages, os=0 allows different
odd and even headers. df os=0
; SZ is type size df sz=12pt
; ZS sets type sizes displayed in list box for scalable fonts df
;BF sets bottom footnote df bf=1
;WD is Widow df WD=2
;OP is Orphan df OP=2
; LM is left margin df lm=0di
; OF is horizontal offset from left and right edge of page df of=3DI,3DI
; GU is gutter between page elements, gutter outside of page
elements df gu=2DI,0DI
;BT sets bottom margin: footer, nominal, minimum, maximum df bt=6LI,6LI,4LI,8LI
; TP is top margin: header, text df tp=6LI,6LI
; RM is right margin df rm=80di
; IP indents first line, subsequent lines, from right df
; PW is page width df pw=85DI
; FD is form depth df fd=66LI
;ST 1 displays tab characters in expanded view df st=1
; TS is tab stops df
;RT 1 establishes tabs relative to the left margin and gutter df rt=1
; BL 0 prints blank lines at top of page or column. df bl=1
;KS is keyboard speed: repeat rate, delay df ks=0,1

;WF 1 wraps text to fit window borders in draft and expanded df wf=0
;BW 0 is for CGA df bw=1
;ES defines the scope of formatting commands. df es=0
;OD=1 displays left and right offset on screen. df od=0
;RD defines redline settings. df rd=1,15,15,0,186
;General plan: ; Normal text is gray.
; Italic text is green.
; Underline text is blue.
; Bold text is a brighter version (usually) of its counterpart.
; Normal background is blue.
; Superscript background is magenta.
; Subscript background is orange or brown.
; Strikethru (Redlining) background is red.
; Insert (Redlining) background is green.
; Reverse (Forms) background is gray.
; Select text background is black, or it reverses to another background.

; The DD variable for selecting text is set to 16. Setting to
; a factor of 2 gives the most flexibility. ;
; Establish color settings
; L0 - L4 establish header/menu colors
DF L0=113,71,116,121
DF L1=113,31,78,29
DF L2=27,30,23,14,78
DF L3=19,33,27,26
DF L4=113,71,116,120,64
; Window border colors
(active,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,labels,triangles,tabs,graphic view mode)
DF BX=31,23,23,23,23,23,23,23,23,23,32,30,23,240
; CR x,y,z sets cursor values
; x=standard
; y=edit cursor with dialog box (as spell menu)
; z=mouse cursor
DF CR=0,199,102
;DF CR=0,112,88
;DF CR=0,199,102
; DD is number used to compute display of defined text
; Defined text does not display in this mode number
DF DD=99
; PK is color for visible page breaks
DF PK=23
; Display modes
; Normal settings
MD NM=23
MD BO=31
MD UL=19
MD BU=27
MD IT=26
MD BI=30
MD RV=113
;MD RV=113
MD BR=121
MD SU=87
MD SD=96
; Delete modes (Redlining)
MD DN=71
MD DB=79
MD DU=67
MD DI=74
MD DO=78
MD DL=75
MD DS=77
MD DD=76
MD DR=116
; Insert modes (Redlining)
MD IN=40
MD IB=47
MD IU=41
MD II=42
MD IO=46
MD IR=114
MD IL=43
MD IV=122
MD IS=37
MD ID=44
; Flashing modes (add 128 to mode number)
MD FL=151
MD FU=147
MD FR=241
MD SO=159
; Footnotes
MD FN=20
; Display modes for which MD numbers must be reassigned. Numbers
set equal to themselves are for resetting when returning from
another kind of hardware:
;Italic subscript
MD 207=98
;Italic superscript
MD 215=82
;Redline delete reverse
MD 219=116
;Bold italic underscore
MD 220=62
;Italic underscore
MD 221=58
MD 229=229
;Subscript forms
MD 235=124
;Subscript underscore
MD 237=105
;Bold subscript
MD 238=111
;Superscript forms
MD 243=106
;Superscript underscore
MD 245=81
;Bold Superscript
MD 246=95
;MD 1=1
;MD 2=2
;MD 3=3
;MD 4=4
;MD 5=5
;MD 6=6
;MD 7=7
;MD 8=8
;MD 9=9
;MD 10=10
;MD 11=11
;MD 12=12
;MD 13=13
;MD 14=14
;MD 15=15
;MD 16=16
;MD 17=17
;MD 18=18
;MD 19=19
;MD 20=20
;MD 21=21
;MD 22=22
;MD 23=23
;MD 24=24
;MD 25=25
;MD 26=26
;MD 27=27
;MD 28=28
;MD 29=29
;MD 30=30
;MD 31=31
;MD 32=32
;MD 33=33
;MD 34=34
;MD 35=35
;MD 36=36
;MD 37=37
;MD 38=38
;MD 39=39
;MD 40=40
;MD 41=41
;MD 42=42
;MD 43=43
;MD 44=44
;MD 45=45
;MD 46=46
;MD 47=47
;MD 48=48
;MD 49=49
;MD 50=50
;MD 51=51
;MD 52=52
;MD 53=53
;MD 54=54
;MD 55=55
;MD 56=56
;MD 57=57
;MD 58=58
;MD 59=59
;MD 60=60
;MD 61=61
;MD 62=62
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;MD 64=64
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;MD 66=66
;MD 67=67
;MD 68=68
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;MD 70=70
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;MD 72=72
;MD 73=73
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;MD 76=76
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;MD 150=150
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;MD 159=159
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;MD 178=178
;MD 179=179
;MD 180=180
;MD 181=181
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;MD 190=190
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;MD 200=200
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;MD 234=234
;MD 235=235
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;MD 238=238
;MD 239=239
;MD 240=240
;MD 241=241
;MD 242=242
;MD 243=243
;MD 244=244
;MD 245=245
;MD 246=246
;MD 247=247
;MD 248=248
;MD 249=249
;MD 250=250
;MD 251=251
;MD 252=252
;MD 253=253
;MD 254=254
;MD 255=255
;MD 256=256
; Establish mouse settings
DF R2=8
; Set graphics adapter type
; Set screen resolution
DF SI=96,72
; Set IT setting
DF IT=264,1543,8193,1037,3085,8193,0,1
; Location of log files
DF NL=C:\x\xw
; Autosave path

; Graphics path

;       ?
; Location of outline screen fonts

; Location of SCRFONTS.BIN

; Location of conversion filters




LPT1  C:\x\xw\HP.PRN  HP LaserJet III; modified
LPT1  C:\x\xw\PS.PRN  PostScript 35 font w/ Helv
LPT1  C:\x\xw\EPSONFX.PRN    Epson FX-850,modifidd
LPT1  C:\x\xw\EPLQ800.PRN    Epson LQ-800
LPT1  C:\X\XW\PAN1123.PRN    Panasonic 1123 df uf=CGTIMES df
SG1959=?2Dnon-breaking hyphen|?:o umlt sm-148|?:O umlt
CAP-153|a:sharp s-225|?:u umlt sm-129|?:U umlt CAP-154|$:n tilde
sm-164|!:i acute sm-161| :a grave sm-133| :a acute sm-160|?:e
acute sm-130| :a umlt sm-132|?:A umlt CAP-142|
;vga screen
;SL sets number of screen lines
DF SL=50
DF SW=80
DF LX=c:\x
DF AOT=5,6
DF P.=14
DF RL=????@?0C4?z
DF WB=Z?D@Y3???1A?1B0202
   #??"%&()*+,/:;<=>@[\]`{})*+,?AE?AFz|?FD {?_DH