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Re: Remap Ctrl-Esc?

>> Why don't you just set the dos session to a window instead of a
>> fullscreen session and then use Alt-Home to toggle back and forth instead of
>> Ctrl-Esc???
>I typically use two Xy sessions: one, fullscreen, for my
>more "dedicated" work, and the second a regular window. I
>could change the fullscreen session to another window, but I
>like having the Xy fullscreen for a number of reasons, one
>being that my Launchpad can serve as a distraction from what
>I should be doing.

   I think you need to re-read my post. You *can* have it both ways at
once. Setting a dos session to a window allows you to just hit Alt-Home, and
it's now fullscreen. Hit Alt-Home again, and it's a window. And you can do
that with two XY sessions, or 3 or whatever. I have one XY session start up
at boot -- minimized so it's always there, ready. Alt-home flips it to
full-screen in 1-2 seconds, much faster than doing Ctrl-Esc and then
pointing the mouse at something on the Window List. And, I find, that after
awhile, I started just doing more and more work in the window anyway.
  I guess I just don't see the point of going to the trouble of figuring
out how to program a macro or XPL routine to do a Ctrl-Esc, when that's
slower anyway. The only time you wouldn't want to flip to a window was if
you were in graphics view, and you can use Alt-Esc then, to go back to the
WPS, and Ctrl-Esc or click the icon to go back to full-screen XY. But who
stays in graphics view much anyway?

>Actually, if there were a way (aside from putting in an
>add-on like Object Desktop which I think allows you to do
>this) to set the font/screen size for a one particular
>windowed session so that I could make an "all-but-fullscreen
>Window"ed DOS box, I might consider this -- however, at the
>moment, my system is "one font size for every DOS window."

  You can set them all different -- I do that all the time -- you just
have to do it over each time you reboot, and since there is absolutely no
sense to ever turning the machine off unless you have to work on it, I don't
reboot much.

>quick-key apps I have seen allow you to access the WPS from
>a fullscreen dos session (although I strongly sense that

  What do you mean here? There are a number of utilities available on
Hobbes that allow you to start native OS/2 apps from a DOS VDM or VBM
session. Or you just flick back via Alt-Home or Esc.
Or are you talking about something else entirely.

    Sure can't wait to see Robert's new shell!

Harmon Seaver

hoka hey!
Copyright, Harmon F. Seaver, 1995. License to distribute this post is
available to Microsoft for US$1,000 per instance, or local equivalent.