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Re: Tool for vDos(-lfn)


You should point to the fonts subdirectory in config.txt (FONT =
fonts\CONSOLA) or put the font you use in the vDos-lfn main directory so
that there is no need for a path (FONT = CONSOLA) . The fonts are in a
subdirectory to tidy up the main folder a bit. After all, you choose
only one font for use at a time.

Best regards,

Kari Eveli
LEXITEC Book Publishing (Finland)

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20.7.2016, 21:17, Carl Distefano wrote:
It couldn't find consola.ttf even though it's in c:\dropbox\vdos-lfn\fonts\
Path problem, probably. Is the fonts dir in the DOS path in autoexec.txt?