Hello flash,You could use Notepad++ (select: View, Show symbol, Show all characters) or some hex editor to view the file. You could try a non-Xy solution like Editpad, Notepad++ or a hex editor to replace the characters. If it is a LF, use Editpad to change the encoding (Convert, Text Encoding). This is the easiest encoding changer you can get (with preview, of course!).
EditPad Lite (free): https://www.editpadlite.com/ Notepad++ https://notepad-plus-plus.org/downloads/A good and free hex editor can be downloaded from: http://www.chmaas.handshake.de/
Best regards, Kari Eveli LEXITEC Book Publishing (Finland) lexitec@xxxxxxxxxx *** Lexitec Online *** Lexitec in English: http://www.lexitec.fi/english.html Home page in Finnish: http://www.lexitec.fi/
James, Yes, it is very likely a LF from the source word processor. When I type alt+shift=10 into the CI command, well, you'll see what the CL shows (see screamshot), and then executing the CI function returns "not found". I am puzzled.