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Aspell and cp1252

Dear Carl
I tried to use ASPLFR which I had thought would allow me to to spell check a French document at the weekend but it it didn't, and looking at the help file I think perhaps it will not. Is there a way of invoking the French dictionary from the command line, or from a keyboard shortcut? My default, set in the registry, is UK English.
And ...  do you know if there is any way of getting Aspell to operate 
with CP1252?  I had a look through the Aspell txt file over the weekend. 
 There was one option that appeared useful which I applied as:

" --encoding=cp1252"
ie:"Aspell_Options=--master=en_GB-w-accents --sug-mode=bad-spellers --encoding=cp1252"
added to the end of my registry entry.  This stopped Aspell running, or 
rather it went straight to the ".. ESC to exit" message on the status 
bar.  It works fine without the addition.
Sorry to have to fall back on your expertise for this but I don't know 
enough about Aspell to know if I am doing something wrong, or if this 
option simply does nothing useful (I suspect the latter).

