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Re: OT: VBox incompatibility (?)

Hi Kari,

Great to hear from you, and that info will certainly be quite helpful.  In thinking about the respective likelihoods, it may well be that I will try to have a Win-7 x64 VM running as Guest under some iteration of Linux, rather than under Win-10, where those compatibility considerations might be different ?  (I think Hyper-V may get turned On or Off in the BIOS settings ?)  I've taken a look at quite a few Linux Live CD distros over the past few years, including the CentOS you had recommended,  which did not seem to want to cooperate at all with my particular hardware, without yet really finding "the one."  But they seem to keep improving UIs for the newbies like myself.  I've been watching a lot of review videos, mainly on YouTube, like those from OldTechBloke in the U.K., Christopher Barnatt (at Educating Computers site ?), a guy using the handle "DT". and a guy based in Hawaii with a nearly somnolent delivery style.  Links can be provided on request. 

Anyway, I'm lately narrowing leading contenders down to Mint 20 / Cinnamon, ZorinOS, and FerrenOS probably the Plasma, rather than the set-to-be-discontinued Classic.  Leaning towards the last of these, at the moment.  Besides greatest accessibility to the Windows-indoctrinated, my other considerations are longer-term stability and ease of future updating without losing a lot of what one had accumulated.

I remain confused on a few key points.  A lot of these reviewers for purposes of the videos are installing a distro into a VM.  Doesn't the base VM -- whichever it is -- have to first be installed into some existing OS . . .  or does the Host VM somehow go onto bare metal / a fresh partition ?  I'm also unclear as to the differences in methodology and in results, as between the VM route for running Windows programs in Linux, vs. the route of using WINE and some of its derivatives or "Helpers."  (One video mentioned Winetricks, PlayOnLinux, and Crossover.)  Being able to still run as much of my Win apps as possible is going to be a major thing for me.  A Barnatt video on doing this reached a very "Your Mileage May Vary" conclusion, and that a certain number of apps simply won't be made to work.  Not sure whether that would apply to the VM as well ?

And while we are at it, how does vDOSXy fit into this picture ?

If none of this proves practical, I could of course just keep swapping different computers in & out, one solitary OS per each, though that may be somewhat less convenient. 


On Friday, July 24, 2020, 11:26:39 PM PDT, Kari Eveli <lexitec@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:


I do not use Win10. It is common knowledge that Hyper-V and VirtualBox
(or maybe even MS and Oracle, and their owners) do not like each other.

Chances are that you are not using Hyper-V. And if not, there is no
reason to enable it by default. The solution is to disable it, and after
disabling, reboot (once or twice) your system. After that you should be
able to use VBox without any problems.

VMware has similar problems with Hyper-V, and disabling Hyper-V is the
solution in that case, too.

The Covid-19 situation is currently much better at least in some parts
of Europe than in the US. My best wishes go to all friends across the
Atlantic and other parts of the world. May this post find you in good

Best regards,

Kari Eveli
LEXITEC Book Publishing (Finland)

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> Firstly, this can be considered a "testing, Testing", seeing as I have
> not seen *any* message traffic at all from here for quite some time.
> Hoping the List is all still there.
> Then, I read something online not long ago mentioning that VirtualBox
> itself -- or maybe it was the Guest Addons ? -- was not compatible with
> Hyper-V, which should be enabled by default with Win-10, on a majority
> of the hardware in use ?   If so, that might tip the balance in favor of
> VMWare, instead ?  Can anyone enlighten me on this score ?
>    Jordan