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Re: OT: VBox incompatibility (?)

Hello Jordan,
Linux choices are many. Depending what you want accomplish, some are better than others. There are quite a few that are geared to ease the transition from Windows to Linux (see: https://itsfoss.com/windows-like-linux-distributions/). To try a suitable candidate, I would suggest ready-to-run VMs under VirtualBox or VMware (e.g. https://www.osboxes.org/ or Browser Appliance at http://browser.shell.tor.hu/). It is relatively easy to add Opera from the command line if it is not included.
P.S. Personally, I had quite a few tribulations when I had remake my VPS 
from Ubuntu server to CentOS 7 this spring. As such, the installation is 
easy but finding the right kind of control panel solution proved 
difficult, I ended with CWP (http://centos-webpanel.com/) (I previously 
had Ubuntu server with Virtualmin installed by the outside professional, 
which, by the way, has better backup and restore facilities than CWP). 
Going from HTTP to HTTPS was easier with CWP. Linux backup solutions 
proved a bit of a challenge, but then I luckily found Backup ninja 
which can be used for both desktop and server installations. All in all, 
Linux needs careful attention to detail and some effort.

Best regards,

Kari Eveli
LEXITEC Book Publishing (Finland)

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