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Re: weirdness with new install of VDOS-XY / XY4

Reply to note from "Harry Favor" <hbfavor@xxxxxxx> Fri, 24 Jun 2022
00:11:25 -0400

Hello, Harry, and welcome to the list!

The XPL you're quoting is from Robert Holmgren's Stack program -- the
command history utility that is part of the XyWWWeb U2. It's odd,
therefore, that the problem persists even when you launch XyWrite
without U2. I might be able to diagnose the situation if you would send
me (privately) your regular STARTUP.INT and .KBD files. Before doing
so, however, you might try installing the latest release of U2 and see
if that makes a difference -- on the off chance that the copy of U2 on
the new machine somehow got corrupted.

My overall sense is that there is some simple explanation for the
anomaly and, one way or another, we should be able to get to the bottom
of it.

Carl Distefano