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Re: Request for XY3+ disks - 5.25" drives in the US?

Well, the first thing to do with Xy4 is get rid of the menus; then it�s simply a much
enhanced version of 3+.  

> On Jul 13, 2022, at 1:58 PM, Bob Newell <bobnewell@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Just to give my own impression, I actually did a novel in Xy4 (at
> least most of it, I went back to Emacs to complete it). It went along
> pretty well but it was in English. When I started on a French language
> novel, there was a lot to set up and learn and I ended up back in
> Emacs to do all of it.
> I just this week set up Xy3 and I'll see what my impressions are over
> time. Initially I think Xy4 is easier to get started with, but
> ultimately I'm not a GUI/pull-down menu type, and likely the lean
> nature of Xy3 will prove pleasing. I'll report back in six months or
> so.