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Re: Two systems for running Xy4 under macOS

This is a great leap forward.

Eliminating the carriage return seems small,  but losing it is a real, ongoing boon.

My previous email, about the XYvDosMac system, criss-crossed this one. 

I'm eager to try out DOSBox-X with clipboard perfection-- much smaller footprint than Vdos with Wine. I've been using previous DOSBox versions for awhile as the best option. They run fast and look great onscreen. 

Further inquiries will ensue. The gratitude is already yours. 

Jon Pareles 

From: Edward Mendelson <em36@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: Two systems for running Xy4 under macOS
Date: Sun, 12 Feb 2023 12:35:11 -0500

I’ve now made a few further updates and fixes for these systems, and fixed the problem where the DOSBox-X version added an extra character when saving to the macOS clipboard.
Customization instructions (probably incomplete) and download links are now on this page (refresh your browser if necessary):


If your browser says it can’t find the page, make sure that the address in the address bar begins with http:// not https://


End of xywrite Digest V15 #23