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Re: Warning: Trolling for Dollars, Scammers hard at work {was: forged Failure Notice}

At 10:45 AM 7/17/03 -0400, Robert Holmgren wrote:

>I just got one of these from PayPal.

I got two.

I immediately realized that it was a scam, because I had just read a Wall
Street Journal story about it, so I forwarded the first one to PayPal. They
didn't seem to be too interested.

I would think that PayPal could track the sender down and prosecute them.

Incidentally, because you included the phrase "Failure Notice" in the
heading, my Eudora filter sent your message to my "Bounced Mail" folder.

Norman Bauman
411 W. 54 St. Apt. 2D
New York, NY 10019
(212) 977-3223
Alternate address: nbauman@xxxxxxxx