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Re: Warning: Trolling for Dollars, Scammers hard at work

** Reply to message from Patricia M Godfrey  on Sun, 20 Jul
2003 15:54:50 -0400

> will want a new e-mail client that sticks to plain text
> without all the hassles

If you do try PBM, don't just DL and try to run it; select and install a good
Java 1.2 virtual machine (runtime) first, meaning Sun or IBM (don't even think
about using Microsoft's nonstandard 1998 JVM, which is a joke). You can
certainly install Java and at the same time disable Javascripts (security
policies can explicitly enable PBM in the context of a system that otherwise is
wary of Java). "Installation" of PBM itself amounts only to constructing a
correct command line, which points the JVM at PBM -- otherwise there isn't any
installation (PBM is just a big ZIP file, never unpacked by the user). But the
command line, whoa! something like this:

F:\JAVA131\jre\bin\javaw.exe -Djava.security.manager
-Djava.security.policy==file://E:/POLARBAR/java.policy -cp
E:\POLARBAR\POLARBAR.ZIP org.polarbar.mailer

Mercifully, a one-time exercise. Secondly, as always, power == complexity (or
at least a lot of options, even if the defaults are fine for starters).
Gradually, you come to appreciate that you can control (if you want) just about
everything. Probably you'll actually manipulate about 5% of the options.

Robert Holmgren