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Re: Printing With III (XYWRITE digest 2815)

Brian.Henderson@xxxxxxxx wrote:

For the record, here's the printer-feed line from my Xy3 "startup.int":

DO NET USE LPT1 \\voyager\ed_8k1 /YES

...with "voyager" as the network drive name, "ed_8k1" as the printer
name, and "YES" (I believe) means "persistent".
Actually, you only need to run the net use command once, and from a
cmd prompt. And the final command should be
That's it. Unless you reinstall Windows, it should take and hold forever. Then you have to assign your Xy printer to lpt1, but as I haven't used III in ages, I don't recall how that's done. In Xy 4, it's in the PickPrinter table of settings.dfl (or startup.int if you're using Carl's portable.int setup).
Having said that, I should probably also include for the sake of
completeness (though it my never have a bearing on anyone else's
situation): I haven't been able to (or needed to, really) print from
XyWrite for a long time (several years). I'm not too clear on the
details as to why, but whenever the printers get switched to a different
drive (which happens pretty often) I'm not able to simply change the
drive name it Startup. Our IT dept needs to "release" something on the
system that will then allow me to re-attach to a different drive. The
real problem lies in the fact that I'm now the only one left who uses Xy
in any "official" way, coupled with the fact that there are no system
operators left who know what to "release" me from...well, I gave up long
ago trying to get Xy capable of printing. It's just not worth the fight
It's not a drive, it's a computer--unless this is a drive array server
or something like that, with which I am totally unfamiliar. But you
seem to be talking about a real network printer. That would take
longer than a local printer that is being treated as a network one so
as to enable Xy to print to a USB printer, which is what we were
discussing. Ask your IT dept. what the UNC name of the printer you
want to print to is. They should tell you something like
\\computerx\printz. That's what you reference in the net use command.
Now, a real high-tech IT dept may have all sorts of security controls
in place that I've never heard of, but give that a try.

Patricia M. Godfrey