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vDosPlus changelog page

Hi all,

As of recently there is a vDosPlus changelog page that contains a list of improvements and other changes that have been made recently to vDosPlus. The vDosPlus changelog page is located at:


For example, the changes made since the release of the vDosPlus XyWrite 2.00 on September 25th include the following:

Major changes in build 2016.09.26:
- You can now change the file date/time using the TOUCH command. Also, last-access date/time and creation date/time are supported in addition to last-write date/time (e.g. "DIR /TA" and "DIR /TC" will now show the former two dates/times)

Major changes in build 2016.09.27:
- You can now UNUSE drives that have been previously used in vDosPlus, e.g. "UNUSE D:" (without quotes) to unassign Drive D:
- The 4DOS %_CODEPAGE internal variable now returns the active code page instead of the system code page at startup

You can always download the latest vDosPlus build from the vDosPlus home page (shortened URL: bit.ly/vdosplus), or update vDosPlus directly using U2's VDPUPD frame.
