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Re: XPL questions

Reply to note from "Patricia M. Godfrey"  Sat,
11 Mar 2006 19:03:33 -0500


> How come U2 repeatedly uses ≪sx01,≪IS50≫≫, but when I try
> it I'm told "SX requires a number"? (Yes, I've read
> PARSEFRM.DOC, but I'm still not sure if I have to call some
> other frame to get what is typed on the CommandLine into SG 50;
> TESTPRS doesn't seem to, but...)

What do you mean by "get[ting] what is typed on the CommandLine into
SG 50"? What are you trying to do in your code? Several
possibilities come to mind. Do you want to:

1) Stuff the contents of the CMline -- whatever happens to be there
-- into a S/G?
2) Capture user input that is typed on the CMline at runtime?
3) Pass the contents of the CMline to a U2 routine as an argument?
4) Execute the current CMline as FRAMENAME ARGUMENT?


1) Stuff the CMline into a S/G
As Robert explained, the convention we've adopted for U2 is that
_arguments_are_passed_to_U2_frames_ via S/G 50. Not all of "what is
typed on the CMline", only the argument portion; the command portion
(the first word of the sentence) must be parsed away. But if your
code isn't calling a U2 frame as a child process -- if all you want
to do is capture the current contents of the CMline and manipulate
it yourself -- there is no need to use S/G 50. The following, for
example, puts the current CMline into S/G 02:
You can then do what you like with S/G 02.

2) Capture user input typed on the CMline
Here, again, there is no need to use S/G 50. You can concatenate
'd or 'd keystrokes into any Save/Get. There is a generic
U2 frame, GetCMinput, that will capture user keystrokes typed on the
CMline to a S/G. As it happens, GetCMinput saves that input to S/G
50; there are good reasons for this choice, as you'll see when you
read example 3) below. The usage is 
JM 2.GetCMinputQ2 . For example,
JM 2.GetCMinputQ2 ;*;
When the user presses Enter, the contents of the CMline (i.e., what
the user typed) are saved to S/G 50. You can then proceed as you
like. For example, to issue a PRompt that confirms what
the user entered: .

3) Pass the _entire_ CMline to another U2 frame as an argument
This is a variant of 1). But here, since you're passing data (an
argument) to a child frame, it IS necessary to use S/G 50:
JM 2.childframeQ2 . See that? SUb 01
puts the CMline (the *entire* CMline) into S/G 50, then childframe
operates on it. But it can also be a variant of 2) -- if the
argument that is passed to childframe is to be supplied by the user
at runtime. So, for example, you might have:
JM 2.GetCMinputQ2 ;*;
JM 2.reverseQ2 ;*; String in 50 is reversed and restuffed into 50

4) Execute the current CMline as FRAMENAME ARGUMENT
This one's easy. Frame PrsCMline, the  frame, does it. In
XPL, you call it with JM 2.PrsCMlineQ2 . The other Prs* frames do
exactly the same thing; the only difference is the source of the
input. For example, JM 2.PrsDeFineQ2 executes the current DF block
_as though_ it were typed on the CMline and launched with .

Or are you asking....

5) None of the above?

Carl Distefano