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Re: ersatz autosave...?

Reply to note from "M.W. Poirier"  Sun, 06
Mar 2005 14:37:40 -0400 (EDT)

> I thought that the flicker might be part of a larger matter
> that you would not be able to repair.

In the alternative -- and I've always thought to write a routine to
do this -- you could edit your footnotes in a separate window, and
put the edited note back into the main file when you're done. That
way, Ersatz operates normally (no flicker) during footnote editing.
More important, you can edit your notes in a full-sized window.

I've taken a stab at this. Try it if you're interested. It's a U2
routine, EFN (for Edit FootNote); DECODE it, DeFine it, and issue
ADD2U2. To edit a footnote, put the cursor on the footnote
number and issue EFN. The footnote text appears in a
separate file, called EFN.SAV (located in Editor's directory). You
can edit EFN.SAV freely, like any other file. When you're done,
issue EFN again -- this time with EFN.SAV in the current
window and the main file in the alternate screen, cursor on the
desired footnote -- to reinsert the edited note.

When you issue EFN the second time, if the cursor is not on a
footnote in the alternate screen, EFN will prompt you to reposition
the cursor and try again. Mark well that EFN.SAV is NOT tethered to
the main file. It's the user's responsibility to ensure that the
cursor is properly located in the alternate window (in the main
file, on the correct footnote!) before reissuing EFN.

b-gin [UNTITLED]
{{;5efn}} Edit footnote in separate window [CLD 3/6/05][cr|lf
]{002}{<}IF0+{<}VA$WS{>}<>1{>}{<}PRNo file{>}{<}EX{>}{<}EI{>}
[BX_]es 1[Q2_]{<}SX50,{<}VA$ED{>}{>}[JM_]2.GetPath[Q2_]{<}SX5
{>}{<}EI{>}{>}{<}IF{<}VA$FP{>}<>{<}IS56{>}{>}[BX_]gofile {<}P
V56{>}[Q2_]{<}IF@not({<}ER{>}){>}{<}PREFN.SAV is open. ABort{032}
or STore it before editing another note{>}{<}EX{>}{<}EI{>}[GT
<}IF{<}PV58{>}<1{>}{<}PRNo window{>}{<}EX{>}{<}EI{>};*;[cr|lf
][JM_]2.ef[Q2_][JM_]2.dfa[Q2_][JM_]2.cut[Q2_][BX_]sa/nv {<}PV
56{>}[Q2_][AS_][JM_]2.ef[Q2_][AS_]{<}PREdit EFN.SAV. When don
e, issue EFN to reinsert footnote{>}{<}EX{>}{<}EI{>}
{<}PRMove cursor onto footnote to edit{>}{<}EX{>}{<}EI{>};*;[
GT57{>}[AS_]{<}PRMove cursor onto foonote, switch back to thi
s window & try again{>}{<}EX{>}{<}EI{>}[JM_]2.ef[Q2_]{<}EI{>}
gofile {<}PV56{>}[Q2_][BX_]sa[Q2_][BX_]wait[Q2_];*;[cr|lf][JM
_]2.pst[Q2_][AS_][JM_]2.ab/nv[Q2_][JM_]2.ef[Q2_]{<}PRNote ins
erted - File not SAved{>}{002}[cr|lf][cr|lf]

Carl Distefano