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Re: long filenames

** Reply to message from Harry Binswanger  on Wed, 22 Mar 2006
15:14:53 -0500

>> Proper handling of long filenames awaits rewriting some of the core
>> XyWrite "engine" so that it is fully 32-bit.

> Why so? Win95 was not "fully 32bit" and it did long filenames.

>> Dave Erickson, the creator of Xy, works for them now.

> Expecting Dave Erickson or anyone else to attempt this
> is about as practical as fitting a Model T with anti-lock
> brakes

Hmmm. Actually, U2 has several easy means of calling LongFileNames from the
command line, and I just added another one last night (not posted yet), which
is very fast -- uses one Windows API -- works in NBWin too, perfectly. So this
is not an insuperable task, and you have to wonder why NB-NYC has had this on
their "to-do" list for so long, but been unable to implement it. It is very
simple to do, and most certainly does not require 32-bit code -- although parts
of NB are now 32-bit. NB v8 "Final" is due to be released today, BTW,
according to insiders. The betas have been very good.

> The one enduring thing that Xywrite gave us was the command
> line interface, which is remarkably efficient. What we
> ought to be discussing here is how to give some of that
> capability to Microsoft Word (and it could be done!)

Except that this is a XyWrite, not Word, list. But I've had the same thought
re: Word, and even implemented the idea. Creating a Word command line is easy;
the problem is, then what? The only commands that you could issue that Word
would inherently understand would be VBA commands, and they are wicked hard to
remember, plus VERY longwinded. Here's an equivalent of a XyWrite JMP command:
 Selection.GoTo What:=wdGoToBookmark, Name:="Mark1"
Somebody is actually going to type that?? No way.

Robert Holmgren