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Re: Fw: Buying new computer - what operating systems will work with Xywrite

To copy and paste I use Robert Holmgren's CLIP program for XY3. There
are two versions as I recall, one standalone and one that can be
inserted into the LONG.HLP file of XY3. The latter is the version I use
but both work fine.

To change the default font I use VGA.COM to load an alternative. You
need FPMAN220.zip (that is the version I have anyway) which comes with
the font loader and a set of fonts from which you can choose the one
that suits you. I load the font from STARTUP.INT

Paul Breeze

Writer892@xxxxxxxx wrote:
A side question for Paul Breeze: In full windows mode in XyW3 in W2000 how are you able to copy text from other applications? And also, how do you change the horrible default font that comes with the full window? In W98Se, I used the XyW windows extensively. With W2000 I can't because they are horribly slow -- I'm half a line ahead with my typing before the text shows up on the screen, which makes it impossible to write or edit. Bob Ashley ------------------------------------------------------------------------ See what's free at AOL.com http://www.aol.com?ncid=AOLAOF00020000000503.