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Re: CLIPW (Win32) Port for Xy3+ -- Installation & Use

This is a copy of the man page for CLIPW for Xy3+.
If you have trouble, holler.

The shared (Xy4+Xy3 VBS and DLL) files are in the root directory
of ZIPfile CLIPW32.ZIP; the Helpfile frame (CLIPWXY3.FRM) and the
text reproduced below (CLIPWXY3.TXT) are in the /XY3 subdirectory
of the ZIPfile, at:


Read carefully. It's all in there, I think.


Copy_To|Paste_From the Win32 Clipboard
CLIPW32 for XyWrite III+ v3.55+ R.J.Holmgren 10/31/03

Installation of CLIPW32 in Xy3+
------------ -- ------- -- ----
 CLIPW32 uses Windows Scripting Host [WSH] (already
  installed on all Win32 machines except early Win95
  [can be added])
 Xy3 ErrorHelp is (*always* should be!) OFF: "default eh=0"

Extract file CLIP.VBS from the root directory of the
 ZIPfile (CLIPW32.ZIP)
Locate CLIP.VBS in the same directory as EDITOR.EXE

Extract file AutoItX3.dll from the root directory of the
 AutoItX3.dll (by Jonathan Bennett, at
 http://www.hiddensoft.com/) is a freeware Active X
 control that can read the clipboard. AutoItX3.dll
 must be located in the system directory
 %WINDIR%\system32, and then must be registered
 (one-time only) with your operating system, i.e.
 command from DOS:
REGSVR32 AutoItX3.dll
 The installation directory for this DLL is usually
 c:\WINDOWS\system32 or c:\WINNT\system32

Extract file CLIPWXY3.FRM from the \XY3 subdirectory of
 the ZIPfile (CLIPW32.ZIP)

ClipW for Xy3+ requires that you dedicate one Ordinary
 Save/Get in range 0-9, A-Z to the Clip function.
 The default is S/G "Q". If you wish to use a different
 Save/Get, replace *all* instances of "Q" with another
 alphanumeric Save/Get 0-9, A-Z

ClipW for Xy3+ requires that one User Variable be
 *hard-coded* in the frame! Set the "d:\path\" location
 of EDITOR.EXE (where CLIP.VBS is also located) in
 Save/Get 01, at the top of the frame. Examples specs
 appear in the frame. SAve the frame!

CAll your Xy3 Help file. I use SHORT.HLP; I think there
 was a LONG.HLP but I don't have it anymore. The Help
 file must be labeled ";HL;" at Top_Of_File. I add my
 own routines ("frames") at the bottom of this file,
 after the factory XyQuest routines. ;HL; is the only
 Xy3+ Help file, but it's got lots of potential power
 (underutilized -- this is one way).

Go to End_Of_File. Just before the last routine (frame),
 which is "{{6*,end}}" in SHORT.HLP, insert (cut and
 paste) CLIPWXY3.FRM into the file. SAve Help. Command:

Helpkey (*not* optional)
 Make *sure* you have a "" KeyBoarD assignment
 to launch Help file frames specified by name on the
 To simultaneously Stack a command (ONLY if you use Stack):
nn=&SHL <==same thing, 1 byte less memory consumed

Reserved Filenames
-------- ---------
All reside in Editor's directory -- DO NOT USE these filenames!

KeyBoarD File Methods (optional)
-------- ---- -------
 Assign one CLIP function to specific key
nn=SIGHEL,C,W,C, ,HL <==Copy only
nn=SIGHEL,C,W,A, ,HL <==Append only
nn=SIGHEL,C,W,B, ,HL <==Prepend only
nn=SIGHEL,C,W,F, ,HL <==Copy current File
nn=SIGHEL,C,W,P, ,HL <==Paste only
nn=SIGHEL,C,W,R, ,HL <==Replace only
 To Stack any of the above commands (if you use Stack):

Command Line Methods (optional)
------- ---- -------
 Issue Copy/Paste command on the CMline
CWC [text] - Copy  (~Ctrl-C)
CWA [text] -  Append to existing Clip text
CWB [text] -  Prepend to existing Clip text
CWF    - Copy current File
CWP    - Paste  (~Ctrl-V)
CWR    - Replace (~Ctrl-X)
 N.B.: _CMline_ text size limit=73 chars

 Copy a CoMmand line argument to the Clipboard:
CWC Dirt-weed, Chenopodium viride, grows on dunghills
CWC http://holmgren.home.acedsl.com/charmant.wav
 Append a CoMmand line argument to the existing Clipboard:
CWA The wholesome discipline of bull pizzle and strait jacket
 Prepend a CoMmand line argument to the existing Clipboard:
CWB How shittle witted am I, for I had forgotten it
 Copy currently-displayed File Text to Clipboard:
 With CWF, the text Copied is the text *currently displayed*
 -- not the last SAved version. CWF may also be used
 with a CONsole (CAll CON) "untitled" window

 Copy DeFined text in current window to the Clipboard:
 Append DeFined text in current window to the existing Clipboard:
 Prepend DeFined text in current window to the existing Clipboard:

 Paste anything from the Clipboard to current text location:

 Replace DeFined text with content of the Clipboard:

Differences with CLIPW for Xy4-DOS
----------- ---- ----- --- -------
Clip:  If an argument resides on CMline, it is clipped,
 ignoring DeFined text (CMline has priority; position
 of the cursor in CMline|Text is not decisive)
Paste: Pastes only to Text
The Insert|Overstrike state of the cursor is not respected
 *if* CLIPW is launched from the KBD file (the routine
 always SetsInsert [func SI])
The CMline|Text location of the cursor is not respected
 (the routine always terminates in Text, if any [func GT])
Does not reposition corners of screen to original locations

Maximum Clip Size (theoretic)=2Gb
Maximum Clip Size for DeFined text=~64Kb
 (the size of the Xy3+ DeFined text buffer)
Maximum Clip Size for Whole File=~500Kb
Ascii-0 is interpreted as End_Of_Data by the Clipboard
 and terminates a Clip (Ascii-0 [00h] occurs very rarely
 in XyWrite 3-byte charset)

Does CLIPW-Xy3 work in Xy4? (Any chance you can avoid that
 ugly U2 thing?) Regrettably, yes. But it is underpowered
 compared to the Xy4 version, and backleveled from v3.58-B
 so that it works with v3.55 (no conditional nesting). It
 will run in Xy4, with these alterations:

Replace both instances of "dos /c" with "dos/nv/x/z /c"
Replace the only  with 

If you start getting CSCRIPT.EXE errors, check Editor's
directory for copies of CLIP.TXT, CLIP1.TXT, and/or CLIP2.TXT.
Delete them all.

Robert Holmgren